The Project

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Chapter 2

Gregory's P.O.V.

The rest of my classes went by in a blur. Mainly because Alex was in all of them.

We're now in sixth period, the last class of the day, science. The teacher, Ms. Atom, is currently talking about a project we are supposed to work on this month.

"So class I put the names of the students in the right half of the class into a hat so the left side of the class can randomly chose their partners." Ms. Atom explained.

Thankfully Alex and I sit on opposite sides of the class so I have a chance to be her partner.

"Alex you pick first." Ms. Atom held out the hat for Alex to chose her partner.

As Alex reached into the hat all I was thinking was: Please chose me, please chose me, please chose me! Alex held out the piece of paper with her partner's name on it and handed it to Ms. Atom.

"Alex's partner is..... Gregory." Ms. Atom announced and I swear I heard sighs from the other students I think they were sighs of relief. Relief that they weren't Alex's partner.

Alex looked at me and smiled. I smiled back.

This is going to be an interesting project.

As Ms. Atom walked to the next person she said, "Once you get a partner go sit next to them and start discussing your project."

I look at Alex and see that she's gathering her things. I guess she's sitting next to me.

"Move," she tells the kid sitting next to me, Josh, rather harshly. He quickly grabs his things and moves. He looked scared.

Wow people really are afraid of her. Well she is pretty scary looking and intimidating.

"Hey partner," she says happily and sits down where Josh was like two seconds ago.

"That was mean," I tell her referring to the way she shooed Josh away.

"Yeah sorry you had to see that I was pissed about something that Sara said back there," Alex told me pointing to the girl she sits next to. "I have a short temper." She finished.

"Yeah I see that," I say, "Well about the project, who's house do you want to work on it at?"

"I have one younger and two older brothers living at home at the moment so for our project's sake I say your house." Alex informs me.

"Ok my house it is. I'm an only child so that means no one to disturb us." I agree.

"Lucky you. You don't have to deal with anyone but your parents." Alex says rolling her eyes probably thinking of her brothers.

"So do you want to go to my house after school?" I ask her while putting my stuff away. Finally my first day of school is over in five minutes.

"Yeah but I don't have a car." she says sadly also putting her stuff away.

"Don't worry I have a car." I tell her like it's no big deal.

"You do? That's cool." Alex says surprised at what I just said.

Just then the bell rings.


Alex's P.O.V.

As Greg and I walk towards our lockers all I'm thinking is he is an only child, has his own car, and I chose him as my partner.

This has been a good day so far.


Greg and I are walking to his car in the student parking lot. We are either headed for a rusty ugly looking car or a new very clean Mustang. I can't tell because the two cars are right next to each other so there's no telling which one is Greg's.

To my surprise he unlocks the Mustang!

What, Greg owns a Mustang?!

"Um nice car," I tell Greg who is currently opening to car door for me. What a gentleman.

"Thanks," he says, "Oh, can you hold this." Greg hands me his backpack.

"Uh sure." I say and take his backpack. He bends down and ties his shoe. Goodness. his backpack is heavy. What does he carry in here? His rock collection maybe?

He stands up and takes his backpack from my hands and gestures for me to get in the car. So I do and man is this car nice. And new.

Greg goes around the car to get to the drivers seat. Once he's seated he easily throws his backpack to the back seat. He must be strong. Probably because he carries that backpack around for seven hours a day.

The drive to his house is taking forever. We are in the rich people part of town.I mean where does this kid live. Don't tell me he's rich. Right when I think that he pulls into a drive way.Ah geez don't tell me he lives here.

Greg says something and I realize that I wasn't paying attention. I turn around and see that he just said a password into an intercom. The gates open and we head into the property.

Holy mother of...

This house isn't a house it's a mansion. "This is where you live?" I ask Greg my mouth a gape.

"Yeah I know, it's a mansion. I'm not one of those people who likes to brag." Greg states. He parks in front if the house, I mean mansion.

Greg grabs his backpack from the back seat and gets out of the car. He goes around the car and opens the door for me. He really is a gentleman. I get out and we climb the steps to his house. As he opens the door I'm imagining what the inside of the mansion looks like.

Once Greg opens the door a lot of people are walking around holding boxes. A man dressed in a tux is standing there with his hands behind him. The man sees Greg and takes his backpack.

"How was your first day at school, Sir?" the man asks Greg.

"It was fine, Franklin. How was your day?" Greg asks Franklin.

"Full of unpacking, Sir." Franklin responded.

"That sucks." Greg said and headed up the stairs. I followed him up.

"Oh yeah," Greg said and turned around, "Franklin tell May to make a snack and to take it up to my room, thanks."

"Was that your butler and who's May?" I ask Greg once we reach his room.

"Yes and May is the chef." Greg says nonchalantly.

"Ok your rich." I tell Greg.

"Yeah don't remind me." He says rolling his eyes.

"Wait I'm lost you don't seem happy about that." I say confusion taking over my face.

"It's lonely in this house." Greg says sadness evident in his voice.

"Where are your parents?" I ask curiously as we enter his room. Which is huge I might add.

When Greg opens the door ten feet ahead of us is a couch facing a plasma tv. Across from that is a huge king sized bed. Next to that is a desk holding a laptop and an expensive looking camera. On the opposite wall from the door there is a balcony over looking a beautiful beach with people enjoying themselves. It's quite a view.

"My parents are almost never home. They are usually away on a business trip with their client." Greg informed me while sitting down on the couch.

"Wow I'm so sorry." I tell him.

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