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1. INT



Serena wakes up with the most horrible hang over. She sits up from the bed and look to her left to see two Advil pills and a glass of orange juice. Without hesitation, she grabbed the pills, puts them in her mouth and drinks the juice to help swallow the pills. She finishes the rest of the orange juice while looking around her. Only then did she realize that she wasn't in her bedroom.


Morning, sleepy head. Feeling any better from last night?

Chris walks into the room shirtless; looking like some sort of sex god. Serena's cheek started to tint a light shade of red so she looked away.


(Stutters) Um... thanks for the pills. (Hesitant) Can I ask you something?

Chris nods his head; signaling her to continue.


What exactly happen to me last night? The last thing I remember is some dude carrying me to his car; saying something about taking me to his place... (Looks up at Chris) That was you, wasn't it? Oh God, we didn't... (Trails off)


(Smiles warmly) Relax, nothing happen. I'm not the type of guy to sleep with a girl who is unconscious. Besides, (Smirks) I want the girl to feel pleasure when I take her virginity. (Winks at Serena)


(Gawks with wide eyes) WHAT THE HELL?! (Glares) You're such a pervert. How did you even know that I'm... (Blushes) still a virgin?

Chris crosses his arms; looking extremely smug. Serena is fuming with rage that she got up from the bed too quickly that she lost her balance and almost falls but fortunately Chris was fast enough to catch her before that happen. Serena wraps her arms around his neck for support and Chris wraps his arms around her waist.


Whoa... Easy there, tiger. Your body is still week. Lie down.


(Snaps) WHY? So you can (quotes with bunny ears) "make love to me"? I don't think so; (Glares) and you still haven't answered my question.


(Sighs) You told me that when you were freaking out when I put you in my car; (Annoyed) and can you please stop saying that I'll sleep with you. (Looks at the wall clock) It's past noon, you should go home, and your mom must be worried sick that you're not back yet.

Chris let Serena go and goes to put a shirt on.


Bathroom's open; go take a shower before I drive you back and don't worry about clothing; I put my T-shirt and jeans by the sink. Call me when you're done.

Serena stood there dumbfounded, contemplating what to do next. She slowly walks to the bathroom, starts stripping and takes a shower. After a few minutes, she came out wearing Chris's clothes and slowly walks over to him.


(Stutters) Thanks for letting borrow your clothes for a while. (Blushes)

Chris grabs his car keys and signals Serena to follow him. They both go to the parking lot and walk towards his car. The drive to Silverstone Records took twenty minutes and soon come to a stop at the parking lot.


Thanks for the ride and... (Blushes) taking care of me last night.


(Half-smile) No problem.

Serena opens the car door but stops half way.


Um... (Hesitant) I know this is silly of me to ask you but... (Blushes) What was your name again?


(Wide eyes and chuckles softly) It's Chris, Chris Henderson. Also, (Hands her a small piece of paper) call me if you ever need a place to stay for the night again.


(Laughs) Yeah, thanks. I'll be sure to call you if I ever need your help again.


(Winks) I'll be waiting.

As Serena is about to get out of the car, Chris grabs her arm pulling her back a bit.


(Blushes) Sorry I... I was wondering if you're free tonight. You see there's this new movie that came out and well... I was wondering if... you want to... (Scratches the back of his head) you know...


(Finishes his sentence) Go out with you tonight? Yeah, I mean, I don't have any special plans tonight. I would love to go out with you.

Serena sends a text to Chris and his phone beeps. He looks at it and saw the text. He looks at her with wide eyes.


(Winks) My address; Pick me up at seven and don't be late. (Fake seriousness) I don't like people who are late.

Serena gets out of the car and walks towards her red Ranch Over. She gets in and starts driving back home, leaving Chris dumbfounded at the parking lot.


~Falling for the Hottest Heartbraker~ (Raw Script Version)Where stories live. Discover now