Chapter- 4 A New Place

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[A note from Yuuki_komi - "Hey I'm sorry guys for the late update. I went to my grandpa's funeral and didn't get time to write the story. Actually at first I thought I wouldn't write it anymore but when I saw it crossed 50 views I decided to work on the story again. Thank you guys for reading the story and coming this far. I love you guys! And I have changed something in the story you'll see 😉]

I was very excited. We walked through the streets. I bought some dresses, makeups, daily needs of a girl, and definitely manga series of my favorite anime. It was such a nice day maybe the best day of my life!! But things didn't last like that... Suddenly the sky got dark. It didn't felt good it was like something bad was going to happen. Something grabbed me from my back. It was a kegare! Not one but many of them.

Me : Help me! Benio! Ahhhh!!!

Rokuro , Mayura & Benio : Mayuri!!

Those kegares took me to magano. You know what it's really disgusting to be hold by a ugly, stupid monster. What if it kills me?!

Me : Hey you stupid kegare put me down. You don't know who I am. You'll pay for this. Ugh!! Help someone?!!

Something fast as light cutted the kegare into pieces. It was Benio. I was falling down Rokuro catched me.

Rokuro : Mayura! Take Mayuri to a safe place. Mayuri stay with Mayura we'll take care of this kegares. Right Benio?

Benio : yes.

It was so awesome to see them battling. I wonder how would my first battle against kegare will be like 🤔.
At end everyone knows the kegare died.... We came out of Magano.

Rokuro : We might start your training from tomorrow Mayuri. You were lucky that we were here to help you.

Me : Yeeeah.... I'll do my best to learn and be a strong exorcist and help you guys out.

Benio : That will be nice.

Mayura : I'll help you too.

Me : Thanks Mayu.. I mean thanks Otomi san.

Mayura : Aww. You can call me anything Mayuri.

Me : Well okay Mayura!

We all laughed and walked back home.

Benio to Rokuro : Hey do you know what food will she like Benio?

Rokuro : Even if know what she will eat still we don't know how to cook.

Benio : I'm sure she'll like my special soup.

Rokuro : We have to train her don't try to kill her!!

Benio (in an angry tone) : wha-at do you-u mee-aan?!!!

Rokuro (scared) : Oh I just wanted to say that would be great. You and Mayuri eat the soup I can stay with water.

Benio looked at Rokuro with a terrible face. She was so angry OMG. I must stop them.

Me : Hey guys! I'll make something on my own just let me know were are the the basic food ingredients. Okay?

Benio (with a calm face. Thnx god) : Okay Mayuri chan.

In The Kitchen

I said I'll make but I don't have any energy left to make anything. I'm not going to eat rice and soup only. In my home we don't eat all this stuffs. It will take me time to get adjusted here specially with the food .  So coming to the point what I'll eat. Simply, I took some rice, 2 boiled eggs, 1 boiled potato and some salt to taste. First I smashed the potato and the eggs. Mixed the smashed potato and eggs with rice and added salt to add some taste. You might think who eats like this. But I can't do anything I have no energy left to make anything good. Btw I like this kind of food too.

After Dinner 

They gave me a room. The room was pretty big and wonderful. I took out a night dress and wear it. I put the things I bought from the shops to the proper place. I put the picture of my family and friends in the desk which was beside my bed. I miss them, I can't believe how every thing just changed in few minutes. My family is there in India and I'm here. I realize now how much they are special to me. Tears rolled down my cheeks. "I can't cry I have to be strong " I was saying this constantly. In my head all the memories of how I and my friends used to tease each other, how I and my siblings fought, scoldings from my parents and uncles. I can't stop my tears from coming out. I started crying, I didn't understand when I fell asleep.

End of Chapter 4

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