How They Cheer You Up

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-does anything in attempts to make you laugh/smile

-him being a dork


-him brining you over food

-watching a movie with you

-fighting over what movie to watch

-finally compromising on one

-falling asleep in each other's arms


-him spamming your phone with texts bc you won't answer

-starts to worry

-you pick up after the 4th call and let him know you aren't dead

-he immediately comes over with ice cream

-you share it and watch netflix

-him dancing/singing so you'll laugh

-you taking out your phone and recording him

-him not realizing until later and yelling "Y/N! ArE yOu rEcOrDiNg mE?!?!?"

-cuddles cuddles cuddles


-doesn't like to see you moping around

-offers to take you places 

-you think it's really nice of him but lowkey you just wanna be lazy

-him accepting that and letting you be lazy

-makes you food

-brings it to you ~breakfast in bed style~ (lmao is that even a style..?)

-will steal a bite from your food

-"Hey! That's my food!" "But I made it"

-leaning your head on his shoulder

-his arm is around you


-checking up on you 24/7

-finally just comes over

-he drags you out of bed so you'll do something with him

-you guys end up playing a board which results in you both laughing your asses off

-you being glad you got out of bed

-not being able to decide whether to make food or get takeout

-decide to make food but give up and order a pizza

-playing a video game

-you beating him 

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