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*drops tortilla chips* "Hurricane Katrina? More like hurricane tor-ti-llaa!" /  "Two bros, chillin' in a hot tub, 5-feet apart cause they're not gay." *cough cough fack cough cough*  /  "What up my name's Jared i'm 19, and i never fucking learned how to read."


"Road work ahead? Uh, yeah, I sure hope it does."  /  "positive hardcore thursday"*😄*  "welcome to bible study, we're all children if Jesus! ... kUmbYAaAa my lOrd"


"I HAVE THE POWER OF GOD AND ANIME BY MY SIDE. DON'T FUCK WITH ME!!"  "sToP !  I almost dropped mY croissant!"  /  "that was lEgItNeSs"


"Hi wElcOmE tO cHiLi'S"  /  "hi my name is trey I got a bAsKET bAlL game tOmOrRoW"  /  "oK"


"I WON'T HESITATE BITCH!"  "i aM cOnFuSiOn"  "And they were roommates. Oh my god they were roommates."


"OH MA GAWH! i stiLl haven;t found my bErRies. bUT! i found this!" *licks orange*  /  "cHRIS! Is that a WEED?? No it's a cra- I'M CALLING THE POLICE!"  /  "FUCK YA CHICKEN STRIPS!"

i watch too much youtube.

and this is trash.

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