12-The Servants, A Troublesome Trio.

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A girl, no older than fourteen, sat in the middle of the attic. Fooling around with some old clothes that had once belonged to her mother

"Amelia..." A soft whisper was heard.

She turned around, only to find no one there. "Hello?"

"Do you know who I am...?" The voice, a woman's voice, asked.

"N-no..." Amelia took a step back. Not really knowing from where the voice came.

"I am Hantu-Kopek." The voice sounded said. "You may call me Hantu."

"He-Hello, Han-tu." Amelia had some trouble pronouncing this name.

"Why are you here?" She dared to ask.

"Well Millie- Is it okay if I call you Millie?"

"Yes...It's okay, no one calls me that."

"Good, now Millie, I am here because I seek revenge." Hantu stated.

"How come, I don't understand..." She trailed off.

"Well Millie, you see, long time ago, I used to be a very powerful demon!"

Amelia's eyes widened "A-a demon!?"

"Yes, do you know what a demon is?"

She cleared her throat "Father taught me that demons were impure creatures that hurt humans and had to be cleansed."

Hantu snorted "Of course he would say that, all humans do."

Amelia raised her eyebrows "How come all humans?"

"From the beginning of time Millie, humans have always believed that angels are good and demons bad."

"I don't think you're bad, you're a demon and you seem nice."

Hantu's voice softened a bit. "Thank you Millie, it's nice to hear that."

Amelia smiled.

"Millie, can I ask you a favor?"

Amelia nodded.

"Will you help me, get my revenge?"

She tilted her head to the side "Revenge on who?"

Hantu's voice became grim "On the one who did this to me."

Amelia nodded.

The attic suddenly became colder, causing her to shudder. She looked around to she a black mist forming around her. "H-Hantu?"

"I'm sorry." Was the only thing she heard before the black mist made her vision hazy and then-

Amelia woke up covered in a cold sweat. Her breathing was heavy.

"W-what took you so long?" Her voice was shaky.

Sorry, I found Undertaker along the way, why?

"The nightmares..."


"Time is running out."

I-I'm sorry.

"Don't be. We'll find a way."

Amelia sighed and got up from her bed. She swung her legs over to the side and rubbed her eyes.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw a small blue glint. She turned to her night table and saw a small, blue diamond shaped necklace. She carefully picked it up.

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