It Started With A Dare

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Hi everyone! Long time since I publish a new story!

Anyways, let me tell you about the story and the main characters. PLEASE TAKE IN MIND THAT THIS IS A FANFICTION. So this is pretty much all made up...

Sabrina Carpenter is a normal girl, or at least she thinks that.

She has dreams of her own, just so happens, her mom is being forced to move to Los Angeles. One day, she meets 5 guys, one named Bradley who was the gentleman, and also the popular guy in the group. Another one named Spencer, then there was Cameron, the player. Then Jake, and Corey, just simple Corey. They all somehow develop small feelings that grow bigger and bigger for Sabrina. However, there are also 4 girls that Sabrina meets.

Peyton, fashionista but at some points a diva. Caitlyn, a singer who happens to be friendly. G, was kinda the popular one, and she also makes a new best friend, Rowan. At one point the girls have their own crushes too. Yet the guys, never pay any attention to them, except for Sabrina.

Well that's the story background...

Note: if there are any bolding in the story, it means that it's a flashback!

I hope you guys enjoy! ~Shey

It Started With A Dare? | Sabrina Carpenter & Bradley Steven Perry [Brabrina]Where stories live. Discover now