Chapter 8, The Plan is in Session

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Sabrina's POV.

After my "rough" day yesterday, I realized that I do like Bradley. But it can never be, so I might as well forget about him. But I still want that role!

I went to the kitchen, since it was around 10 a.m. by then.

Yes, I have Karan's phone number. So whenever he's gonna pick me up, I'm ready. I wasn't exactly gonna dress so professional though. I put on my shorts that went down to my knees, a blue and white striped shirt with sleeves, and my black vans. After we talked about the whole audition thing, we kinda became good friends. Yes in one day haha.

I got a text message from Karan. I put his contact name yesterday as Karanthehomie, because you know he is the homie.

Karanthehomie: Hey, I'm right outside the front door

Me: Okay, be right there

Karanthehomie: Haha okay

I should really change his contact name... And I did, I changed it to just simply, "Karan" yep that's better.


He kept on looking at his phone like if he was repeatedly texted someone.

"Sooo, what do you think about Cameron," he said in a not so convincing tone.

Cameron's a-

"Why are you asking that?" I said.

"Just wanted to know," Karan said.

"Okay then," silence has invaded our conversation.

Why the heck would he be asking about Cameron? You know what I just remembered, what did happen after the sleepover between them, because when we went to the mall, Taylor actually was glaring at Cameron.

I should ask Rowan. Tomorrow... I'm too lazy to do it right now.


"Okay we're here," Karan said. He opened the back door for me. Wow. Why is everything in so freaking huge. Like daym!

We went inside the stage, since it's actually called a stage not a set. Some people can't use logic on that. It said stage 7 outside on one of the corners bro!

"They're currently filming, you have to be a bit quiet," Karan said.

"Oh okay." We weren't tiptoeing, we just had to be quieter, we weren't whispering, just regular talking. We walked in blah blah blah meet the producer and director...

Yep all borehng hah. Karan was right, I was the last one on the line.


I was forced to make different tones of voices.

"Okay. We'll let you know in a week or so," They said.

Some people might think, you don't have to do any paperwork at all when you want to be an actor but it's a freaking load of it. I hate paperwork, so I just spammed the whole thing, and finished.

The people who were watching me while my audition for the role of Talia, were gonna let me know in 2 to 3 weeks. Maybe because it's a bigger role than just background voices.


After Karan dropped me home, I saw Rowan, Taylor and Caitlyn outside. Playing basketball I think.

"Hey guys!" I smiled.

"Hey Sabrina," they all said.

"Can I play?"

"You play?" Caitlyn was shocked.

"Hey, I might be short but I could still play you know."

"Okay, one against one," Caitlyn smirked.

"I'm cheering for Caitlyn," Taylor said.

"Me too," Rowan joined Taylor.

"So much for friendship, aha."


We sat on the edge of the sidewalk tired. We tied!

"You're better than I expected," Caitlyn said.

"You... too," I was heavily breathing.

"Rematch?" She said.

"Rematch," I said.

As we got up, Rowan yelled out, "Guys my mom made brownies!" Caitlyn and I looked at each other.

"Maybe later."

"Yes definitely later haha," she said.

Jake's POV.

Okay, yes I was checking on Sabrina, she can't get the role, she'll kiss Bradley. This can't happen. Luckily I have a plan. I got out my phone and called Ryan. Yes Ryan Newman. She's a girl not a guy.

Ryan: Hey Jake.

Me: Hey Ryan I have a special job for you today

Ryan: What is it?

Me: There's a role open on Good Luck Charlie as Gabe's new girlfriend, and Bradley asked me to call you so you could audition

Ryan: Sounds like a deal!

Me: He said you'd be perfect for it.

Ryan: Tell him I said thanks, and I'll tell my manager

Me: Okay bye!

Ryan: Byeeee

The plan is working so far. Ryan will definitely think Bradley likes her.


Hey guys >.< haha I had a lot of request for another update so here it is, sorry I know it was really short, but what do you guys say for another update? ~ Merry Bathtub

It Started With A Dare? | Sabrina Carpenter & Bradley Steven Perry [Brabrina]Where stories live. Discover now