We Love You

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A/N:So last chapter was just Royce. Well this chapter is a little different...

Ej sat on the edge of the cliff as he looked at the city below. Tears streamed down his face as he stared motionessly at the lit up buildings. His whole body was numb as no sound made it out of his mouth. All he did was softly hum Amazing Grace as he contemplated jumping. He bit his lip as the tears just spilled out non-stop.

He was tired. He was so tired of being sad every day. There was no particular reason why he was so sad all the time. His home life was good and he had friends that loved him. He was just tired of taking those stupid pills every day. They didn't do a damn thing. All they did is make him happy for a while and then boom! He was sad again. His phone rung. It was Myles calling. He decided to answer because he really needed someone to talk to at the moment.

"Hey are you ok?" Myles asked.

Ej tried to get the words out that he was fine,but he couldn't. They were stuck along with a sob.

"Ej answer me. What's wrong man? You've been gone for 3 weeks and you haven't been answering our phone calls."

Ej just listened. He couldn't say anything. He didn't have the energy to speak. He had left 3 weeks ago in the middle of the night. He had been just riding around thinking.

Myles started to tear up. His mother told him how Ej stopped his medicine. This happened all the time but it never got to the point where Ej would just up and leave for weeks. Usually it was only for 2 or 3 days. Myles began to think the worst the more Ej didn't respond.

"Ej...please don't do anything stupid...I know It's hard..please say something to me..." Myles pleaded holding back a sob.

Ej shut his eyes and sighed. He didn't feel like talking. All he wanted to hear was Myles voice. It was calming and soothing.

"Just talk." Ej choked out laying on the ground looking up.

Myles bit his lip to stop the tears.

"School was boring without you today. I had to turn up in Chemistry class by myself." Myles chuckled.

"My step dad came in my room trying to play daddy again. Nigga got the nerve to tell me to clean my damn room. Telling me to take the garbage out. I told him he need to sit his Bill Cosby lookin ass down and go eat a fucking pudding pop." Myles ranted wiping away his tears.

Ej laughed. He loved to hear Myles tell stories.

"So he told my mom. My moms came in there to make me apologize. I was like bitch kiss my black ass. Ok, I'm lying. I ain't say that shit, but I wanted to! So I said I was sorry he was such a Mitch instead. He stormed out the room like the Mitch he is. Then my moms slapped me and made me take out the garbage. I ain't clean my room though. Nah she got me fucked up bout' that." Myles said getting mad all over again.

Ej just laughed until his sides hurt. He couldn't stop. All his worries forgotten. He sniffed wiping at his stray tears. Then he sighed.

"Thanks. I really needed that." he mumbled to Myles.

Myles smiled but he still felt uneasy. "Your welcome. You ok now?"

"Yeah...I'm ok." Ej said genuinly.

"You know I love you right? Like real talk. Something happened to you...nigga I'll go crazy." Myles said his voice shaking just thinking about it.

Ej sighed again sitting up. "I love you too man. I'm good for real. Stop worrying."

"Everyone's been worried about you."


"Yeah, Mr.Perez said Jacob's been cleaning non stop muttering in Spanish. Rachel's been dancing more than usual. Chresanto hasn't been eating. Ray's been drawing non stop and Prod...he's been praying like a crazy person. Bruh I mean weeping praying. Breaunna and Nique have been stopping by your house staring at your window like stalkers. Bahja been locked in her room hugging that bear you one for her at that carnival crying. You see man every one is worried. We love you. Nigga you family. You can't keep taking the medicine, stop and then take off."

Ej sighed. He felt so bad. "I'm sorry. It's just I'm tired. I'm tired of the constant struggle to be happy. It just gets too much and I have to get away sometimes."He stressed quietly.

Myles sighed. "I know It's hard, but you gotta be strong. If it gets too bad tell us. Just don't...don't leave us...me." Myles trailed off letting the tears flow.

"I promise to take my meds and to tell you guys when it gets too much. I would never leave you guys...I could never leave you Ight? You bae." Ej chuckled tears thick in his throat.

Myles smiled. "Ight nuff with the mushy stuff. Hop in yo pacer and come over. I'll call everyone so we can have a sleep over."

"You gon stop talkin bout my car dawg. Jacob's house?"

"Nahh it smells like the fucking Mr.clean convention up in there. Chresanto almost had a fucking asthma attack. We having it at my house." Myles chuckled.

Ej got up going to his car. He got in and started it up.

"Ight I'll see you there. Bye I love you." Ej cooed with a goofy grin.

Myles rolled his eyes. "Love you too fag." he said hanging up.

Ej chuckled as he heard the dial tone. He looked down at his phone shaking his head.

"Bitch nigga..." he muttered backing up driving off.

A/N:Well this was really just a filler. You know a look at the characters lives. How tight their bond is with each other. By the way Ej suffers from clinical depression in this story. It's when you get sad for no apparent reason. A sad commercial could trigger it even if you've been happy all day. Stopping the medicine abruptly would cause suicide thoughts and your emotions go wacky. It really sucks lol. But uh yeah hope you liked it. :)

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