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The elevator stopped and the doors opened. My black heels connected with the hard wood floors of the hospital. It was nice in here compared to the other wards. Most wards were boring and white while this was semi colorful and had art on the walls. I smiled, I already like it here.

Nobody even knew I was here, after dinner a few days ago I decided to come by and pick up an application. Lucas was completely oblivious to this.

I walked up to the front desk. "Hi," I said grasping the attention of the shorter woman behind it

"Oh hello, you must be Kyrie? Right?" She said cheerily

I grinned at the fact she knew who I was. "Yeah, that's me."

"You can go right on ahead into Mr. Daniels office. It's the first door down the hall on the left."

I thanked her and following her directions until I reached a brown door with a nameplate that read 'Mr. Daniels'. I knocked twice. I heard some shuffling and hushed voices before I was told to come in.

I opened the door to see a man sitting at s desk, who I presumed was Mr. Daniels and a woman who didn't look far from his age next to him. I could tell she worked here because of her uniform and the small name tag on her chest that read 'Nia'.

She looked me up and down before rolling her eyes and turning to him. "I'll see you later." She said before walking on, bumping into me on the way. What was her problem?

"You must be Kyrie, you can go ahead and sit. Nice to meet you." He stood up and shook my hand

"Likewise." I smiled before taking my seat

"So Ms. Laurent tell me about yourself."

"Well I'm 25 and I attended Brown University up in Rhode Island. I have a bachelors degree in pediatric nursing and I also minored in mental health care." I smiled

"Brown University? I heard that's an Ivy League school, you must be very intelligent." He complimented

"I'd like to think so, yes."

"So, I looked over your resume and noticed you have little to no experience at all.. the only place listed here is Richardson Inc.? Tell me about that."

"I actually worked as an assistant to Lucas Richardson for 4 years. I helped him with some paperwork here and there and attended a few of his meetings. I would also usually accompany him on business trips." I stretched the truth a little bit. The paperwork and meetings part wasn't true

"You seem very organized. I like seeing that in an employee." He smiled "You are aware of the type of people that are here correct?"

"Yes, sir I am. I am a very patient person and willing to work through any issues that may come up."

"Well, I think you just earned yourself a job Ms. Laurent. Congratulations." He smiled. "We're short on a nurse in the children's department of this ward. You will be assigned to Royalty Brown. I have to warn you she is a handful." He pulled out a file from his desk sliding it over to me

"Nothing I can't work through." I smiled

"How soon can you start?"


"Next Monday it is then. I've included a workers guide in the file as well. Please be here by 7 am sharp. Ms. Guzman will be your supervisor and she'll also be the one showing you around that day."

"Okay, thank you." I smiled

"No, thank you, Ms. Laurent."


This book is going to be sooo boring, I can already tell. I'm sorry!

Christopher Where stories live. Discover now