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"Now you hold me like this." Kyrie said softly directing Christopher's large hand to the small of her back. Chris followed her directions carefully, not wanting to ruin the moment.

"And now I put my hands here." Kyrie wrapped her arms around his neck, letting out a sigh of relief when she succeeded. Their height difference was uncanny, she looked like a child next to him which made things harder on her.

They slowly started swaying to Josephine Bakers soft French lyrics in the background. Kyrie suggested the song since she grew up listening to, it brought her back to better times.

Christopher bit his lip in concentration trying to mimic Kyrie's movements but would occasionally step on her small toes and go into a frenzy of apologies.

"You're doing just fine, better than last time anyway." She smiled up at him causing his cheeks to turn a bright red color as he smiled back.

" She smiled up at him causing his cheeks to turn a bright red color as he smiled back

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"I... I like you Ky..." He stared into her dark brown orbs which were mesmerizing to him.

"I like you to Christopher." She hummed

"N-no. I... I like you... a lot. You.. you make me happy. I-I want you to be my.. my girlfriend.. a-and then we get married a-and have babies."

"Is that really how you feel?"

He nodded fighting his grip on her small waist as they continued to sway around. "I.. I love you."

"Chris... I- I love you to."

The two slowly leaned towards each other locking lips sharing their first kiss.

He pulled away."Ky..? Promise me."

"Promise you what Christopher?"

"That... that you won't leave. I don't want you to leave... ever."

"I promise."


"You kissed him?! Like his lips touched yours and your lips touched his?!" Kamiyah practically screeched, I put my hand over her moth shushing her.

"We're still at work, remember that."

"My bad girl, but when did it happen?"

Kyrie sighed. "A few nights ago, we were in his room and it just kind of happened."

"I knew you would catch feelings! I mean who wouldn't? He's just so-"

"Please don't continue, whatever fantasies you have with him keep to yourself."

"My fault." She chuckled. "What're you gonna do now though? Obviously, he's already attached to you."

"I don't know, when I get back on my feet I was planning on adopting Royalty actually."

"Say again? You, adopt, royalty?"

I nodded. "You heard me. She's not getting the proper care she needs here and on top of that, I think Nia's abusing her. Every time I see the poor angel she looks worse and worse."

"And you think you can swoop in and take her to salvation? What is this? The make a wish foundation?"

"Oh hush." I hit her arm lightly. "I really think I can help them both though. I want to."

"Well just know I'm 100% on board. I really ship Kyris anyway."

"You're too much." I laugh standing up from our break room table, getting ready to visit Chris again.

A few hours later

"Bye Jeanine! Tell your daughter I said good luck at her soccer game tomorrow."

"Have a nice night Kyrie, and I'll let Meghan know."

I said my goodbyes to a few other coworkers before making my way to the employee parking deck. I was more than ready to go home and rest.

Beep Beep

Kamiyah: Can you pick up some Viva Chicken on your way home? Please?

Sure fat ass.

I tucked my phone back into my bag exchanging it for my car keys as I approached it.

"Oh God." I mumble to myself once I see who's leaning up against my passenger's side. "Lucas, what the hell?"

I blocked his number right after the talk we had a few nights ago and he's been terrorizing me ever since. He'd randomly pop wherever I was and it never failed. Last week he insisted on buying my groceries after we 'ran into each other' at Whole Foods.

"Hi Kyrie." He grinned. "You look good in scrubs, I love the way they hug your figure."

"Lucas stop please, this is getting out of hand."

"What do you mean?"

"The constant gifts, the text messages, the.. stalking. You have to let go of whatever we had because that's gone now." I pleaded with him

"No! I'm not giving up on what we have Kyrie!"

"We don't have anything anymore Lucas! Why can't you understand that?!"

"I love you!"

"Well I don't know love you, so just do us both a fucking favor and leave me alone! I'm happy and you should be too with your baby on the way. Isn't that what you wanted after all? A family?"

"Not with... her. I want you to carry my children Kyrie. Not some skank."

"Well tough shit Lucas, you were the one that couldn't keep your uncircumcised dick covered for more than 2 seconds!"

"And I'm sorry! How long do you I have to apologize? Please.. just come home. We can start over."

"No. I-I'm not going through this again."

"So you're done with me? For good?"

I sighed deeply rubbing my temples. "Yeah, for good. Now please get the hell off my car."

He leaned off my car and I took no time at all getting in and driving away. I took s chance to glance in my rearview mirror to see his eyes still fixated on my car as I drove off.

"Freak." I said silently to myself pulling my eyes back to the road in front of me.

Christopher Where stories live. Discover now