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"I can't believe I'm actually doing this," I mumble to myself as Christopher and I walk into the crowded tattoo and piercings parlor. He's been begging to get a tattoo since last month when he saw this guy at the gas station with multiple.

Ever since then he's been drawing different pictures he wants tattooed on him.

"Do you know what you want done?" I ask Chris who was looking excitedly at everything.

"Y-Yeah, that one." He pointed to a picture on the wall displaying 3-star tattoos someone got on their wrist.

"Do you really want it on your wrist?"

He shook his head and pointed down the side of his neck. "Here."

"Oh, Christopher..."

"Pleaseee Kyrie." He whined. "I-I'll cook!"

"No! You can get your tattoo, please just don't go anywhere near the stove." I pleaded.

"Thank youuu."

"Mhm." I grumbled as we approached the front desk. The whole shop seemed menacing, it was all black and red with scary drawings on the wall, Christopher seemed to be loving it though.

"What can I do for you today?" The man sitting at the front desk said. He seemed the scariest out of everything in the shop.

"My boyfriend wants a tattoo."

"Does he already know what he wants to get done?"

"Uhh, He said he wanted stars on his neck."

"Like all around or..."

"No, oh God no. He just wants 3 like in the picture over there down his neck."

"Alright, we can do that. He doesn't want anything else done? We're having 1 for 1 sale today."

"What's that?"

"When you get a tattoo today you can get a piercing 50% off."

"Oh no that—"

"Piercing?" I hear Christopher say from behind me. Jesus Christ.

"Yeah man, you want one?"


I looked at Christopher like he was crazy, he didn't even know what it was and he was agreeing to get one.

"Okay, we actually got someone free right now to do your tat if you want?"

"Yes please!" Christopher exclaimed before following the man to the back.

"Christopher! Wait up!" I said chasing after them.


"I can't believe you." I said to Christopher as we left the shop. He ended up not only getting his stupid stars like he wanted but got 2 roses on either side of his collar bone, a skull with a halo over it on the back of his hand, and my name on his wrist.

Oh, and because of the 1 for 1 deal he also got both his ears pierced, a nose ring on one side of his nose and a stud on the other.

"Kyrie? Are you... are you mad at me?"

I sighed. "No, I'm not mad. Just— overwhelmed."

"Do you... do you want me to take them off?"

I laughed. "You can't move them Chrissy, they're staying there forever."


"Which one do you like the best?"

He shows me his wrist. "This one." He grins.

Christopher Where stories live. Discover now