"Every thug needs a laadyyy.." I sung along with JaRules smooth voice whilst dancing around my living room, setting up snacks for Kamiyah and I. Life has just been so hectic lately and I really needed this Saturday to myself to destress myself and forget about my problems. Lucas finally texted me back this morning - it wasn't anything special just a dry 'I'm fine, don't worry about me'. I didn't bother replying, I was so far done with him and this whole situation. My phone buzzed knocking me out of my thoughts.
I'm on your doorstep, let me in! I brought snaaackss 😝 -Emily
I furrowed my brows at the message. Why was she hitting me up now? How'd she even know I was home? Ever since we had lunch 2 months ago she also went MIA on me. She would avoid hanging out and ignore my calls and texts. I just stopped trying after a while with her.
I groaned loudly shuffling over to the front door. All I wanted was one day of peace to myself! Was that so much to ask? I swing open the door putting on my best fake smile.
"Hey Kyrie, long time no see girl! I've missed you!" She went in for a hug, trapping me in her tight grip.
"Mhm, Come in."
She strolled in, her silver red bottom heels clicking on the marble floors. I followed behind her as we made our way to the living room. She took a seat on the white sectional making herself very comfortable. She was already getting on my nerves and she hasn't spoken more than a sentence to me.
"Were you expecting me already? What's with all the snacks, I hope you're not planning on eating this all yourself Kyrie, you know you have to... watch you figure." She looked me up and down. What was wrong with my figure?
"Actually, I was expecting company-"
"Who? You're not cheating on my brother are you?" She said quickly, concerned laced through her voice. Why was she acting so weird?
"No, it's a friend from work. She's coming over so we can watch some movies. It's our new thing." I said happily thinking back to the time when Amiyah followed me home because she was bored. We were both working the weekend shift and she claimed she had nothing to go home to do we just bummed out on the couch eating snacks and watching movies like Magic Mike.
"Friend? From work?" Emily cocked her head to the side in confusion, squinting her eyes a bit before finally a wave a realization hit her "Oh, you met somebody at that crazy house you work at?"
"It's not a crazy house, it's a hospital for sock people." I grumbled aggravated at her 'description'
"Same difference." She shrugged "Just candle on you're 'friend'. I'm sure she wouldn't mind."
"I can't just cancel on her, we do this every Saturday. That's rude."
"Oh cut the crap Kyrie, I know exactly what you're planning on doing." She said in a condescending tone
"Oh really? Please, do tell."
"No need to be feisty now. We all know you're just going to eat all these snacks by yourself and gain more weight because you're upset that my brother isn't here with you anymore."
I could feel my eye twitch slightly before I replied "Let me tell you something, your brother and I didn't break up, far from it actually. I don't need you or anyone else butting in my business, Alright? Don't come in here think-"
Knock knock knock knock... knock knock
I calmed down slightly realizing that that was Kamiyah's special knock she'd use on my door to let me know she was here, I thought it was immature but it has grown on me.
"Who's that, and do they not know how to use a doorbell?" Emily asked leaning over looking past me. I didn't even bother to answer her, I just ran to the door swinging it open to be met with Kamiyah carrying a bottle of wine in one hand and kettle corn in the other.
"Hey bitch, I'm here and I brought us some wine. I got the good five dollar shit to, I heard it gives you just the right amount of buzz." She raises both her eyebrows, smirking a bit.
"You're crazy," I said as she shuffled her way into the house slipping of her Fenty slides at the door.
"I know, and did you buy a new car? There's this bright pink ass convertible in your driveway. It looks like Sharpay's car from high school musical."
"Oh, that's-"
"Mine." We both turned our heads in Emily's direction as she glared at us. "My dad has it custom
made, the leather interior is from Spain." She bragged. I internally rolled my eyes. I knew exactly was she was trying to do; show Amiyah up by asserting herself with her wealth. Their whole family did this."Oh, that's nice. I don't care. Kyrie Who dis'?"
I stifled a laugh and Amiyah's sudden change in tone. She didn't take any bullshit from anybody.
"Um with all so respect, I'm not your 'chick'. I'm Emily, Emily Richardson. Kyrie's best friend." She smiled tightly still holding the cold glare
"That's nice. I'm Kamiyah- Kyrie's best friend."
Emily scoffed. "So this is the girl you'd rather spend Saturday with? For Christ sakes first the job and now you're conversing with- these kinds of people? This ain't VH1 Kyrie! She buys five dollar wine from Walmart for goodness sakes!"
"Uh, if you got something to say you can say it to my face right now Empanada."
"Oh please, I don't waste my time with commoners. I'm better than that."
"Oh I know- listen here you long neck, no titty having ass bitch, I understand you're jealous of me and all, shit I would be to ole' fed Ex box built bitch, but what were not about to do is come for me sideways like dat'. If you wanna square up, square up." Kamiyah said sizing Emily up.
"Is this once crazy to Kyrie?"
"Oh hell naw-"
I quickly grabbed Kamiyah, pulling her away before she could seriously injure Emily. Her parents are very crafty in the courtroom so just breathing on Emily could get her 10 years of community service.
"Emily listen, you have to go. You're way out of line right now." I said calmly not wanting to start any more drama
"So you're kicking me out for her? Are you serious?!"
"Very." I sighed deeply. A slew of incoherent mumbled and cursed came from Emily as she grabbed her Givenchy bag, making her way out of the house.
"Was that Lucas' sister?" Kamiyah asked. I nodded. "I didn't expect her to be so... disrespectful."
I laughed. "Disrespectful? Oh please says the one who called her out on her name and compared her to a postal box."
"Hey, it was only in self-defense. The bitch is lucky I didn't lay hands on her boujee ass. She woulda been all the way torn up."
"Yeah, yeah." I waved her off "C'mon, they added Girls Trip to Netflix today."
"Say no more!"
4:36 AM
OmniscientLucas crept into the bedroom as quietly as he could, trying not to wake Kyrie up. She was a very light sleeper and once she was awake she couldn't go back to bed.
He unbuttoned his shirt, discarding it somewhere in the room before slipping his feet out of his custom made Aldo dress shoes. He crawled into their large bed wrapping his arms around her small body.
He honestly did miss her. He missed everything about her. He pressed a small kiss onto the back of her curly head.
He looked over at his phone on the nightstand that displayed a new text message notification.
From: 👙💪🏼
This weekend was fun, we should do it again sometimes Mr. Richardson 😘 call me.He sighed, not bothering to reply to the text. He really needed to stop before he ended up hurting Kyrie.

Narrativa generaleA little rusty but still a good read regardless! Kyrie. She was brought up on the rich upper east side of manhattan. Her parents, dad especially always wanted to best for her. Everyone wants to make her this ideal housewife, her boyfriend included...