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I had terrible nightmares all night. I woke up to Adam shaking me.

"Amanda, wake up. You overslept a little. You need to be ready in ten minutes."

"Are Mom and Dad still here?"

"No, they left five minutes ago, I tried to tell them you were probably sick and needed to stay home, but they wouldn't hear it. Just get ready quickly, please." He walked out the door so I could change. I quickly got ready and as I headed out the door Adam already started the car. I got in and we drove off.

"Looks like you made it in time. I wasn't sure if you would." I didn't respond. "Hey, cheer up. I got some news that I didn't tell you last night. I don't know if it's good or not to you but it might help you."

"What is it?"

"Well, when I talked to the principal about your troubles in lunch, I convinced her to get me to switch to your lunch so you won't be alone."

"Really? You did that? But why, what about your friends, your reputation?"

"I don't care about that. That won't matter once school is out. I won't see my friends anyway. Plus, my reputation shouldn't matter because it just shows how much I love my sister." He smiled as he said this. "Look, that stuff doesn't matter, as long as you are safe and our parents don't find out what's happening at school."

"Thanks, that means a lot to me."

We pull up to the school and I'm on my way to my class when he stops me.

"Before you go in, let me see your arm." I turn my arm over and pull up my sleeve to reveal the giant bruise from last night. He looks at it very carefully. "It looks like it's going to last a few days," he pulls the sleeve down, "try not to bring too much attention to it, just like always, keep your sleeve down. See you at lunch."

For once I can go to lunch and know nothing bad is going to happen. I sat down and waited for Adam to show up. Minutes passed by and he didn't show up. I started to get worried. He is never late to lunch. After half the class is over I couldn't wait and asked to go see a teacher. I went to his class before lunch, economics. I peer into the classroom and it was empty accept the teacher. I knocked on the door and the teacher motioned for me to come in.

"Hi, how may I help you?" she asked.

"Hi, I'm looking for my brother, Adam. He should have been in here last period, right?"

"Yes, Adam, he was not in class today. Someone told me that he was in the nurse's office and wouldn't be in class."

"Okay, thank you." I said as I walked out of the classroom. Why would he be at the nurse? I hope he's okay, I wondered as I headed down there. I walked in. I didn't see him so he must be in one of the rooms. One of the nurses saw me.

"Hi, what seems to be the problem?" She asked as she inspected me.

"I'm looking for my brother, Adam. Is he still here?" I asked in a polite voice.

"Yes, you must be his sister. He told me you might be in." She led me down the mini hall. "A bunch of guys were carrying him in here because they say he passed out and fell. He seems to have a concussion and he is still a little groggy, but you can visit him and I'll give you a pass to your next class when you're done." She let me to a door and opened it. Adam was laying in the little green bed. I shut the door and walked up to him. His eyes were closed.

"Hey," I whispered. He opened his eyes and smiled.

"Hey. I knew you would be in here." His voice was a little shaky.

"Yeah, so what happened?"

"I'm not sure. I was walking to class and my head started spinning and I couldn't walk and everything went dark. The next thing I knew I was in here. The nurse said I have a concussion and she tried to get me to tell her the full story of how it happened but I had to lie and make up something believable. And before you ask, she didn't call our parents. She said I was old enough to handle it on my own."

"So, you're going to survive?"

"Yeah, I think so." He chuckled, but it was short.

"There is just one problem."

"What's that?"

"How are you going to drive home? You could pass out while driving and we could wreck. Then we'll be in big trouble."

"Well," he thought for a minute, "I don't know, I guess I'll have to try, and if things get out of hand, you'll have to drive.

"Me? I can't drive."

"You'll be getting your license soon; and you have to learn how anyway. And I'll have to teach you. This will be good practice."

"I guess. I'll do it only if I have to."

"Good. You should get to class. I'll be outside as soon as the bell rings."

"OK. See you then." I walk out the door and find the nurse who said she will give me a pass to my next class. I missed most of science class, but at least I won't get in trouble this time for skipping class. Once the final bell rings, I walk as fast as I can to Adam's car. We don't want to be late again, I thought as I got there. He was already waiting for me. We drive back to the house with no problems.

"At least Dads not home this time," Adam mumbles. "We're safe for now, maybe they'll go easy on us today."

"Like that's going to happen." I said dryly.

"That attitude isn't going to get you very far in this house. Today, don't come in my room, dad will be watching me all night. Just go to your room and I'll see you in the morning." He got out of the car and stormed in the house. I followed behind him but I went to my room instead of seeing what he was up to.

It would be better not to follow him, don't want to cause any more trouble. I start on my English homework when Mom was the first to come home. She surprisingly didn't come up the stairs. She usually doesn't do anything to us unless it is severe. I finish my homework and was about to study for my science test when I heard the front door slam so hard I thought I felt the house shake a little.

Dad must be home, and not in the greatest mood, I thought as I hear him stomp up the stairs. I prayed he wouldn't do anything today, but that was short lived. He started pounding on my door as if it were locked.

"Open the door this minute, Amanda!" he shouted. I slowly walked up to the door and opened it. He was standing there; his face was beet red and he was breathing hard. That's never a good sign.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"I-I was studying for my science test." I stumbled.

"Is there anything you would like to tell me?" he asked sternly.


"Liar!" he screamed. He slapped me and pushed me to the ground as hard as he could. I tried to get back u but he pinned me down so I couldn't move. "I got a call from work saying they were concerned for you went you walked out of the lunchroom twice this week. What do you have to say for yourself?"

"I'm sorry." He slapped me again.

"This is unacceptable. Where were you then? If you have a good excuse, I'll let you go. If not, you will face severe punishments."

I can't tell him about the girl because he will be mad about me not being tough enough; and I can't tell him about Adam because it will cause trouble for the both of us.

"I don't have a good excuse, I'm sorry." He seemed to be a little shocked at this statement.

"I can't believe this," he mumbled as he got off of me. I went to try and get up, but before I could, he grabbed me by my arm and flung me across my room. I hit my head on the side of my bed frame. I started to see spots and everything was going fuzzy. "You cannot just leave the lunchroom whenever you want! There are rules to follow, just like at home! You will not leave class again or I will kill you! If you like to leave lunch so much, then you might as well leave dinner too. You will not be allowed to have dinner for the rest of this week." He kicked me in the head once more before leaving the room. That's when everything went dark.

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