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I woke up before Adam did and slowly got up. My head started spinning and everything was fuzzy. I tried to take a step but my legs felt weak and I fell on the floor. The thud must have been loud because Adam jolted awake and rushed to my side.

"What did you do? Are you okay?" As soon as the words came out of his mouth, my lunch from yesterday came out of mine. He led me into the bathroom where I emptied the contents of my stomach. Once I was done he helped me back to my room.

"It looks like you aren't going to school today," he avowed.

"I have to go; Dad would be furious."

"You can barely walk, you can't go to school. Plus, mom and dad got tired of us so they are leaving for a getaway trip and will be gone till next week. So, there is nothing to worry about. Just stay home and I'll go to school."

"Fine. But what if they come back? What if they come home and find out I missed a day of school?"

"Don't worry about it, everything will turn out fine. Just stay here and get some rest, it will help. If you need anything, call and I'll try to get home as soon as I can. I'll see you after school." He patted my shoulder and walked out the door. I fell asleep and when I woke up it was dark out. I sat up and everything was less fuzzy than it was this morning. I take a few steps from my bed and nothing happens. I walk out and try to find Adam. I knock on his door, no answer. I opened the door and he wasn't in there.

Weird, I thought as I walked downstairs. I looked in each room and he wasn't anywhere. I looked at the clock in the kitchen, 9:12pm. He should be home. Where could he be? He said he would be home. Maybe I should call. I grabbed my cell phone and dialed his number, it rang a few times before going to voicemail. He always picks up his phone. I tried to call again but I got to the same result.

"Adam?" I called out, "Adam, if this is a joke this isn't funny. Where are you?" There was no answer. I was starting to get worried. What if something happened to him? I called his phone one more time. After it rang twice, there was finally an answer. I could hear a lot of people in the background. It almost sounded like a party.

"Hello?" Adam said.

"Adam? Where are you? I was worried something happened to you."

"Oh, hey Amanda, how are you feeling?"

"Don't change the subject. Where are you?" I demanded.

"Okay, a few of my friends wanted me to come to a party they set up and I thought I would go for a little bit but long story short I had too many drinks and I can't drive home."

"What? You said you would stop. You also said you would be home. Why didn't you just call?"

"Look, I'm sorry, I was sure you were sleeping and I didn't want to bother you. If you need me, I'll come home right now; all you have to do is say so."

"No. You're clearly too drunk to come home. I don't need anything, I just wanted to know where you were. Have fun; maybe I'll see you tomorrow." Before he could say anything, I hung up the phone.

I want to be mad at him but he just wants a little freedom. I probably would have done the same thing, if I had friends. I grab some food from the kitchen and sit on the couch in the living room. I try to stay up all night to catch him coming home, but I close my eyes unwillingly. When I open them, the sunlight was lighting up the room. I get up and walk around to see if he came home yet. I opened his door and he was nowhere to be seen. As soon as I closed it I heard the door downstairs close. I ran downstairs to find Adam stumbling through the door.

"You're finally home. Have fun?" I said with no emotion.

"Kind of. Look, I'm sorry I forgot to call. I promise I will do it next time."

"Good. All I care is that you are home and safe." I walk up to him and give him a hug.

"OK, well, in an hour I have to go look at a few different apartments. Do you want to tag along, it might be better than being here all alone?"

"Actually, I have an English paper due Monday and I haven't even started it. I think I should stay home and work on it." I lied, hoping he would buy it.

"Are you sure, you can always work on it when we get home?"

"I'm sure."

"Okay, see you later then." He looked a little disappointed as he walked out the door and drove away. I felt a little relieved.

Why would he want me to go? Doesn't he want to bring his girlfriend? They might move in together anyway. I walk to my room. English paper? Yeah, right. I won't even do my homework during the day, especially since my parents are gone. I sit in my favorite chair. I just sit and relax and enjoy the silence and freedom of no parents. I grab my sketch book and I sketch a picture of a beautiful butterfly. He looks lonely, just like me; but I can't let that happen to this little guy. I draw a meadow and little butterfly friends around it. They're free, out of the way of any harm. Tears start to roll down my face, but I don't pay attention to them. If I had one wish, I would want to become a butterfly. I would want to be happy and free, and I could go wherever I wanted. My phone rings and I pick it up, it's Adam.

"Hello," I squeaked. Way to sound calm, I thought.

"Hey, you sound sad. Is everything okay?" he said.

"Everything's fine." I chirped, trying to sound happier.

"Okay. I'm going to be home late so don't wait up for me." 

"Okay,sounds good. See you then, bye." I hung up the phone and sighed. I'm sure I sounded too happy and eager. He might think something's up. I lay on my bed and try to get some sleep, but I can't. All I can think about is the butterfly I drew...

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