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When I woke up. Everything was still dark. I looked around and I couldn't see a thing. I tried to get up. But there was something holding me down. I was about to say something before I felt a hand around my mouth. It was my brother.

"Be quiet, you don't want to bother Dad, he's mad enough you had to be in here. If you make too much noise, we will both be in trouble." I pulled his hand off of my mouth.

"What happened? Why am I here?" I whispered.

"After I heard Dad push you and I heard a loud bang, I went to investigate. After he was done  yelling at me I convinced him to let me help you since you were clearly unconscious. Then he said if I were to help you, I couldn't leave my room till morning and I wasn't allowed food."

"So, you gave up food just so you could help me? Why would you do that?"

"Well, first, you're my sister and it's my job to make sure you are safe. Second, you were bleeding from your head and that's something I can't ignore. I think it was worth it because you could've bled out and died; and I couldn't accept that."

"Thanks, then."

"You're welcome. Now we should get to sleep, tomorrow is only going to be another day so you could use the energy." He laid down beside me and was almost asleep instantly. I looked out the window and saw the moon. It was so bright it started to light up the room. How can something so majestic bring such sadness to a person? I fall asleep thinking about it; but I don't think I'll ever find the answer.

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