An Unexpected Invitation

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Going to parties was never much your thing. Especially when your boss, the infamous Cat Grant, required you to attend them. This announcement came as a shock to you since this was only your first week working at Cat Co. and you were only a National City politics reporter. You continued to mindlessly scroll through articles about Super Girl's latest endeavors to distract yourself from your upcoming task until a quiet knock on your desk divider's wall interrupted your readings.

You quickly closed your computer's window and swiveled your chair to see none other than your best friend, Kara Danvers, leaning against your desk.

"Hey Y/N, are you excited the party?", Kara said with a smile.

"Yeah, but it's not exactly how I planned on spending my Friday night." You shrugged. It was an honest answer but you saw a look of surprise on the blonde's face.

"Oh come on, you wouldn't want to spend a night hanging with your best friend at an L Corp Gala? I'm hurt," Kara placed her right hand over her heart feigning hurt. You chuckled at her antics.

"Okay drama queen, I will be more than happy to go with you to the fun, totally not work related, party," you gave Kara your biggest smile and she just rolls her eyes and shakes her head. Ms. Grant's voice rings through the office floor.

"Keira!" You give Kara a small smile which she returns.

"So, I'll text you later?" The taller woman nods, now having to adjust her glasses.

"Shopping. 4 o'clock. Be there." Kara seriously states, pointing a finger at you while walking away backwards, turning around when she rounds your row of desks. With a sigh, you turned your chair to face your computer again, put in your earphones, and began to type an article about the upcoming mayoral race.


You're currently in your third store with Kara, who is currently rummaging through the formal gowns. You know it's best not to interrupt her as she is deadest on a mission to find you a dress that you will look "like a modern Cinderella" in. Suddenly, you feel a piece of cloth being pressed tightly against your chest by Kara, who's face is nearly mimicking that of a kid on Christmas.

"Try this one on!" You take the dress in your hands, walking towards the fitting room with Kara closely following behind. You get changed into the elegant blue dress and you look yourself over in the mirror. Damn I look good! you thought, posing to view to the dress that shows off all your great angles. Now slowing peeling away the fitting room's curtain, you walk out slowly to hear Kara gasp.

"Well? How do I look." You give a small twirl to show off the dress, stopping to face a seated Kara.

"Y/N...You look amazing!" Your taller friend stands and grabs your forearms and takes in your smiling, slightly blushing face before pulling you in for a bone-crushing hug.

"Hey, Kara, a bit too much." You say between labored breaths. She releases you from her grip.

"Oh gosh, I am so, so sorry. Are you okay?" Kara steps back worriedly examining you for any damage.

"Yes, Kar, I'm fine. It's almost like you have super strength or something." You say with a small laugh and Kara nervously joins in. You return to the changing room to get back into your clothes and join Kara at the checkout counter. The two of you exit the store and begin strolling down the crowded street, mindlessly chatting about the day's events. The blue eyed woman randomly stops and you slow to a stop as you feel her warm presence is no longer at your side.

"I just remembered, I uh left my phone in the store," Kara quickly says, distress on her face, "I'll catch you later."

Before you can volunteer to help your friend or say your goodbye, she has already bolted off down the street. Leaving you to quizzically stare off in the direction she left. Hmm... she must have been expecting a really important call. You rationalize and continue walking down the sidewalk to your apartment.

More Than Just Coworkers (Kara Danvers x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now