Decisions, decisions

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After delving  through social media feeds in order to find any information about the L Corp gala tonight for what seemed like days, your computer pinged with an email notification. Pausing the mind-numbing work, you open your inbox to see that Kara has sent you a message filled with pictures of puppies in baskets.  


You laughed to yourself and physically relaxed scrolling through the photos. The computer pinged again and you peered up to look at Kara, assuming that she sent you something else, but she was busy chatting with Winn. You looked back down at the screen and saw that Ms. Grant messaged you saying you may go home early in order to "make yourself look like a semi-functioning human being." 

Ouch, a little harsh. 

You type out a quick thank you reply, save and close all your work and begin to pack up your belongings. 

"Hey, Y/N," Winn calls and you walk over to his desk.

"So, uh, some of the guys down in IT and I are going out for drinks after work, would you like to go?"

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"So, uh, some of the guys down in IT and I are going out for drinks after work, would you like to go?"

"Sorry Winn, Cat has me working the gala tonight with Kara, but maybe next time?"

"Yeah, yeah of course. But hey, if you need a drink after dealing with all that fancy-pants drama, I'll be at the usual spot." 

"Haha, you'll be the first one I call if a creepy old man tries to make me his trophy wife. I'll see you soon!" 

You make your way towards the reception desk outside of the office space, the light from the sunset coating you in a golden glow. Pushing the elevator button, you do a quick time-check on your phone.

5:32 PM

Great, I still have some time to freshen up before dinner with Kara. 

Leaving the elevator at the ground floor you hail a taxi to quickly get home. Your phone vibrates in your side pocket and you take it out to read a message from Kara saying she might run a bit late.

No biggie! Just text me when you're downstairs and I'll meet you in the lobby.

The ride home was a comfortable silence thankfully, talking to taxi drivers can be awkward most of the time. The cab pulls up to your building and you exit the car, thanking the driver, and speed walking to the elevator up to your floor. 

Taking out the keys, you open the door to your apartment and quickly drop your belongings on the couch and dash to the bathroom to get ready for tonight. After putting on your dress that you picked out with Kara earlier, quickly applying makeup and doing your hair, your phone pings again with a text from Kara saying that she's downstairs. You reply:

Do you mind coming up? I need help picking out shoes.

Of course! I'll be up in a sec

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