A Little Party Never Killed Nobody

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After finishing up your second plate of steak at the restaurant you looked at Kara with amazement and a hint of confusion as this woman just finished 6 full plates in one sitting. 

"Kara, are you sure you ate lunch earlier?"

She hums in agreement while chewing.

The waiter returns with the bill and Kara quickly snatches it to pay up her end of the deal for the night. You didn't see the total but she leaves a generous tip for the service and the two of you thank your server while leaving. 


You and Kara arrive at the gala fashionably late because finding parking at what appears to be the one event everyone in National City is at was an absolute nightmare. The two of you walked behind your car to help Kara  grab whatever gear needed to conduct interviews and you began adjusting your camera to the lights of the event. 

"Alright, let's get this over with." You say taking deep breath before walking side by side into the building. 

"Y/N, relax! This can be fun." The blonde flashes her lanyard to the security guard and you follow suit. 

"Oh sure, thankfully I don't have to be talking with some creepy old rich man who is trying to make me his trophy wife," you smirk at Kara, "your job must be so fun."

"Ugh, come on! Anyways, if that does happen you will definitely not be my maid of honor."

"Isn't it a tradition that your sister is the maid of honor?"

"Right! Yes.. traditions!" Kara is messing around with her voice recorder and it appears to have her full attention.

"Anyways... I'm going to take a couple of test shots for the camera and try to find some good spots for some photo ops. Meet back in an hour?"

She nods in response and you take off, leaving her to find some interesting people to get some information from. There's a staircase that leads up to a high balcony overlooking the crowd that has gathered for the L Corp gala. The crowd, although mostly older men, is dressed in an array of black and white suits with splashes of color from their wives or partners for the night. Amidst them, you spy Kara having an engaging conversation with another woman. Even in a room full of people, your eyes could easily find her. 

You take a few photos of the sea of people and move down from the higher ground in order to snag some candids of the attendees. Satisfied with your results, you make your way over to the open bar, becuase you wanted to make this night as fun as possible for yourself and hey, it's free alcohol. Ordering a drink for you and Kara, you wait by the counter when a young, well dressed man decides to stand uncomfortably close to your side.

"Hey there, I noticed you're here all alone. Would you like some company?"

"Thanks but no, I'm here for work and I really don't want my assignment to turn into a social event." 

"C'mon, you don't want to get a picture with the Maxwell Lord? Shame." 

Maxwell shrugs and downs his drink. The bartender hands you your two drinks and you thank him. You begin to make your way back to finding Kara when Maxwell slurs,

"Miss Grant would love to hear about this. Star photographer drinks on the job! Disrespects National City's wealthiest bachelor! Just imagine the headlines!"

Shaking your head, you walk off ignoring him in his tipsy state. You breeze through the crowd and find you coworker chatting with a shorter, dark haired woman, who you recognize as Lena Luthor. You stand there awkwardly watching Kara interview the woman about her gala and goals for the new and improved L Corp, as the world now knows it. Sipping your drink, the green eyed woman shifts her gaze from Kara to you and the blonde turns around to see what's captured her attention.


"Hi Kara and Ms. Luthor."

You hand Kara her drink and she nods at you in thanks. You return her gesture with a small smile. Lena observes the interaction and asks, 

"So Ms. Danvers, is this your partner in crime for the evening?"

"Oh um, Y/N is my coworker. She's an amazing photographer and has shot for tons of celebrities and huge events like yours. You can absolutely trust her to come up with something amazing."

"Well Y/N it's a pleasure to meet such an esteemed photographer."

"The pleasure is all mine Ms. Luthor, I'm a big fan of your work."

The two of you shake hands, smiling. 

"If the two of you don't mind, I have to excuse myself." 

Lena departs, leaving you and Kara by yourselves in the crowd.

"So Kara, about that ice cream?"

And just like that, her eyes light up and smile brightens, shining brighter than all the lights at the party. They two of you weave your way out of the crowd to the exit when Kara pauses by the door, 

"Wait, Y/N, you go one ahead, I'm gonna see if I get one more interview."

"Okay, I'll go pull up the car I guess."

You start heading to your parking spot when suddenly a large crash makes you stumble and you ears ring. Looking back at the building and glass shards litter the ground and shouts of pain and calls for help fill the air. Only one thought filled your mind:


You do your best to shout her name and charge back into the building while the Girl of Steel flies overhead.

More Than Just Coworkers (Kara Danvers x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now