Good Morning National City

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Walking in to the already buzzing office space of Cat Co., holding your usual coffee order from Noonan's, you groggily sat down at your desk. You opened up your laptop, put on your headphones and began your daily news scouring for any noteworthy events going on in the city. Across from your desk space sat Kara, mindlessly bobbing her head almost in tune to the song you were listening too, causing you to giggle. She looked over and gave a small wave and a charming smile to you. You of course returned the wave and noticed that she wasn't wearing any headphones. 

That's a little strange. 

Turning your attention back to your computer, you noticed that it was finally Friday. A tight grip was suddenly placed on your shoulder,  making you flinch.

"Y/N, don't disappoint me tonight." You turned your head and met Cat Grant's stare. 

Weird, she actually knows my name.

One of Cat's eyebrows arched up, expecting a response.

"Oh uh... yes Ms. Grant."

"Good, glad we're on the same page." She lets go of your shoulder and struts off to her office.

"Oh and Keira, I can't believe I'm saying this.. but stick with Y/N tonight. She seems to have caught your deer in a headlights stare."

"Of course Ms. Grant," Kara quickly replies.

You let out a breathe you didn't know you were holding and peered over your desk to see Kara looking focused on her computer. You threw a crumpled up wad of paper at her to get her attention. It hit the side of her head gently and she looked up from her desk with a harsh expression. 

Giving her a quick wave, her expression quickly softened

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Giving her a quick wave, her expression quickly softened. Mouthing a 'thank you' to your best friend she gave a soft smile and picked off the paper that fell on her desk. Picking up a pencil, she began to scribble on the sheet, folded it into a paper airplane, and let it sail back to you. Unfolding it, you read:

Of course! I can't wait to go the gala with you tonight! Btw, you're also welcome for the photos. Would you like me to pick you up at 6? We can grab food before we go! I'll pay!

Kara watched you read her note and you in turn wrote your response below in blue ink. 

Kara, you don't have to pay for me. Consider it a date cutie. 

You refolded the paper airplane and watched Kara catch it. She quickly unfolded it and read your response. Instantly, she appeared a bit flustered over the simple note and tried to laugh it off. You just smiled brightly at her and she tried to smile back but both her cheeks were a shade of pink.

Shit, that had a double meaning. I can't be crushing on my coworker who's also my best friend. I mean, we ARE just friends right?

 You give the blonde a wink and turned back to your work. What you didn't see was Kara's face turn even pinker than before, and she began to play with her hair in order to calm herself down. 

Yep, tonight is gonna be interesting. 

More Than Just Coworkers (Kara Danvers x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now