Leave Me Alone

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The building that was once full of light and life now is covered in a grey dust and rubble has taken the place of the crowd of socialites. You shifted through rubble, avoiding the glass of the chandeliers that hung above. Supergirl is off in one corner of the floor, holding up what used to be a wall so that those trapped can run out. Sirens echo through the night, getting louder as they approach. 

"Kara! Please... Kara!" You shout over the commotion. You keep moving until a singular black heel catches your eye by a pile of debris, immediately making you get on your knees to shift through it. 

"No, no, no. Kara please say something!"

Tears began to cloud your eyes as shards of the mess cut into you hands. 


A weak voice calls out from a nearby spot. You spy an overturned table and Lena Luthor pinned by her arm. Her skin that although is naturally pale is whiter than usual and her face has a small cut on her forehead.

"Y/N, please help me."

Getting up from your crouched position you go over to lift the table from her arm. Out of the corner of your eye, you see a red cape darting in and out of the building, carrying those who are too injured to move on their own. 

Kara would want me to help others. 

Adrenaline is kicking in as you position your body to shift the table and Lena crawls out from underneath, clutching her arm. She is clearly in pain. 

"We need to get out of her."

"No! You need to get out, I need to find Kara!" you reply harshly. The dark haired woman is taken aback by your response.

"Y/N be rational, we need to leave. Your just letting your adrenaline talk. Let's get out of here before the whole building collapses or worse. The authorities are here and they..."

"I'm not leaving without Kara." You turn away from her and try to walk farther into the building until a blonde woman stops you dead in your tracks. Supergirl, arms at her side, striking her famous pose, says authoritatively, 

"I can't let you do that." 

"You don't understand, my friend is somewhere in here! She... she... she's" you stutter, shock consuming your train on thought. Lena places a hand on your shoulder to attempt to calm you and direct you to the exit.

"Don't worry, I'm sure Supergirl will find her," Lena says. The two of you begin to walk carefully away. The Girl of Steel stands rooted to her spot, putting on a courages visage even though her heart was pained seeing you in your broken state.


The two of you emerge from the remnants of the building and are rushed by EMT services who separate the two of you to take you into different ambulances for examinations. A blanket is placed around your shoulders as you take a seat inside the vehicle. The EMTs ask you questions but you can't fight back the tears knowing that Kara is out there, somewhere, probably hurt and alone. 

"Ms. L/N, we believe you are suffering from symptoms of shock and I am going to bandage up your hands in the meantime." The brown haired male EMT states. He begins to pour an antiseptic on your cuts, causing you to flinch back in response. 

"I know this hurts, but I have to do it."

He resumes treatment. You stare off into the pattern of flashing blue and red lights, numbing your feelings to the burning. The blue lights of the police car drew you mind to wonder off to Kara's eyes and how they looked at you hours ago with happiness. How that all was be taken away is an instant broke your heart. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2020 ⏰

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