Message Received

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Carrying your dress up the creaking stairs to your white painted wooden door of your apartment, you jostled the keys in the door knob and strutted through the entryway.

"Honey, I'm home!" you say to no one in particular.

You hang your dress on the clothing rack next to your bed and lazily flop onto the comforter, staring up at the ceiling. Sure, finally having your dream job and a place to call your own is the millennial dream, but you always felt that you were missing something. Maybe a pet to keep you company while you spend time writing tomorrow's article, but the gap seems that it'd need something more than a small golden retriever to fill. You opt to check your phone to see if their was any messages but you were met with your lock screen photo of you with your family at Christmas. Letting out a long held in sigh, your turned over on your side and reached for the TV remote.

Upon flipping to the news channel to see if there's any coverage about the elections but are met with discussions about Super Girl's latest feat of stopping a bank robbery with some "unconventional methods."

Jeez, can this woman even catch a break?

You get up off of your messy bed, grabbed your laptop and decide to respond to some work emails until a particular sender caught your eye.

Kara Danvers.

It's odd that the blonde that you just shared a shopping spree with recently messaged you after being in such a hurry to find her phone.

She always did seem a bit clumsy.

You let out a small giggle and opened the email.

Enjoy -Kara was all it read despite containing several attachments. Clicking each file a new image of Super Girl emerged, shockingly the images were of outstanding quality, as if Super Girl personally posed for Kara as she was defeating today's batch of baddies. This gesture of friendship warmed you heart you started typing to reply but, on second thought, a call would be more heartfelt for the two of you.

You grabbed your phone and stood up walking towards the window overlooking the park and clicked Kara's contact. Pacing, hoping that she would answer so that you two can fangirl over the heroine, you were left with hearing Kara's familiar upbeat voicemail greeting.

"Hey! You've reached Kara Danvers, sorry I can't answer the phone right now, but you know what to do after the beep!"


"Hey Kara, it's Y/N. I just wanted to call and tell you thank you."

You took a brief pause, feeling as if there should be something more to say.

"They are incredible, I'm glad I have a friend like you."


Tired after saving a family from an apartment fire, Super Girl flew up to a ledge over looking National City's river, lit up by the sunset. It was one of her favorite places to think. She whipped out her phone from her disguise and scrolled through seeing she had a voicemail from Y/N. Holding her phone up to her hear, she played the message, listening to her coworker's voice. Even without super hearing Kara could hear the sincerity and almost loving tone in Y/N's voice, bringing a large smile across her face.

But this tender moment was cut short as police sirens were heard off in the distance and Super Girl lifted off into action. 

More Than Just Coworkers (Kara Danvers x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now