My house up top☝.
My life isn't like a normal teenager, although it started off pretty great. It was in the end of my junior year when I found out we were moving to New York City, and it was all for me, because I was planning on going to NYU for business school to become a lawyer.
"MOM! where did you put the last suitcase?" I yelled from upstairs in my room.
"I don't know sweetheart, look under the bed in the guest bedroom". she yelled back to me from down stairs.
We were in the middle of packing to get ready to leave to New York. School was already out for summer, and we were almost done packing. We had a plane to catch the next day.
Walking to the guest bedroom I pasted my little brother Rivers room, seeing a little 11 year old with brown hair, brown eyes, and fair skin sitting on his chair playing his Xbox.
"Aren't you supposed to be packing?" I asked opening the door more.
"I'm already done" he said not taking his eyes off the TV screen.
"Um no your not have you seen your room?" I asked pointing a finger around the room. "you do realize we're leaving tomorrow right?"
"Yes I know that we're leaving tomorrow, I'm just taking a break. Besides I have all night to pack."
"Whatever, just make sure mom doesn't see you playing your games."
"Okay mom whatever you say"
I rolled my eyes walking out of the room to the guest bedroom to find the extra suitcase I came in here to look for. pulling it out from under the bed and opening It I found a couple of pictures floating around inside of it. But one stuck out more than the others. It was my mom, dad, River and me from when my mom just had River with the house in the background in San Francisco that we would be moving out of forever tomorrow.
It was a beautiful two story with a couple of stairs outside that led to the porch to go inside the house. the house had a brick wall with a tan wood looking color with good sized windows. Inside the house had a hallway that took you to a closet, my mom and dads bedroom, the laundry room and my dads office. Next to the living room was the kitchen that had a kitchen table and an island in the middle. Going back to the living room we had a fireplace with beautiful décor that was now put in boxes. going upstairs led you to three bedrooms and one bathroom.
I wouldn't say we were the richest people out there but neither were we the poorest. We had money that how we were moving to New York and how I was able to go to the college I want to go to.
Sitting down looking at this picture of my mom holding baby River in her arms facing him to the camera, with dads arm around my moms shoulder and his other hand on my back with my little toddler self hugging his leg also looking at the camera. Us smiling our faces off takes me back to this day and it makes me feel like I don't want to leave but If I want to go to the college I want to go to than I know that we have to move.
San Francisco and New York are very far away and I know that my mom doesn't want to be split apart that far. Considering that it's across the whole country. So we all agreed to move to New York.
Setting the other pictures on the bed I stood up from my spot on the floor with the suitcase in one hand and picture in the other and walked out the room to mine to finish packing knowing that tomorrow was going to be a long day and that I was going to miss it here in San Francisco.

What's Next?
RomantizmYou think your life's going great until it's gone in a blink of an eye. I'm Blake Sterling, a normal girl moving away from her home town to go to the college I want to go to in New York City.But something changes in my life and it becomes a living h...