All A Board

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"Hurry up!" River said simultaneously as I said "Come on, we're gonna miss the plane!"

I turned behind me to see my mom and dad speed walking through the airport while River and I are practically running to reach were the plane was boarding.

"we're not going to miss the plane Blake!" my dad yelled at us getting multiple stares from other people.

"We will if ya'll don't hurry up ya'lls pace." I said annoyed while rolling my eyes before returning back to running. "You better watch that tone of yours young lady." Dad said sternly.

"Yes sir" I said with a salute while running.

we were in the middle of the air port walking and running fast enough to make it to our plane before it took flight without us. by the time we make it to were the women was about to say the airline was closed.

River yells a "wait" and the women looks for the voice and notices all of us panting. We make it to her and she happily takes the ticket from us but not before she tells us to make sure to be earlier next time. we said our thank you and headed to the plane.

"Window seat!" River says to me before entering the plane. "not before I get it first." I challenged him back and raced him for the seat. Me beating him as always, I rubbed it in his face. "I had you beat and you know it." River said with a pout. "oh River get over it, I won fair and square." " you know you don't have to be mean about it." " I'm not, I'm just being truthful."

"kids, enough." my mom budded in "its a long ride, ya'll can always take turns with the seat." "yeaahhh, no way. I won this seat, so River-" I turned my head to him " -get over yourself and-"

"excuse me lady's and gentlemen, this is your caption speaking I'm pronouncing ya'll to put ya'lls seat belts on. we're taking off now. if you have any questions please, ask our flight attendance."

Dad took his seat, told us to do as told and we all put our seat belts on. when putting it on I felt the jolt you feel when the planes about to take off, and then we were in the air.

"when we get half way their, if you want you can have the window seat." I told River while turning my head to look at him. " oh. okay, but in the mean time I'm going to sleep. Don't tell mom but I stayed up almost the whole night finishing my packing."

"I told you, you shouldn't have played that game." "I know, but I got caught up in the game." " you don't say."

"what happened?" my mom asked with curiosity leaning forward in her seat. River didn't listen when I told him to finish packing." "Heeyyy, I told you not to tell." "no, technically you told me not to tell her that you stayed up all night." "you just told her!" "no I didn't, I told you. I cant help it if mom was listening to our conversation." "Could've said it quieter... or not at all." " you'll be fine." I said patting his knee.

"why'd you stay up all night packing? you should've done it when I told you." " I didn't want to do it when I had too." " you need to start listening to me young man." "I finished it though, didn't I?"

And that's the last thing I heard before I put my headphones in my ears and went into a deep sleep.

. . .

I jolt awake due to the plane shaking.

"what was that?" I asked my mom and dad. with no response I turned my head to see my dad with a questionable look on his face and mom watching Netflix to enveloped in her show to notice the fact that the plane just shook, while River was asleep on her shoulder.

"what was what?" my dad asked with an eyebrow raised. "you didn't feel the plane jerk?" "sweetheart, just go back to sleep. planes do that sometimes, it's nothing to be scared of. just go back to sleep." "yeah, okay." I said nodding my head.

"where are we?" "I believe were above Texas, we still have awhile." "how much longer?" " maybe around seven hours. just go back to sleep and we'll be there before you know it." dad said with a smile.

"okay dad. sweet dreams." I said mimicking his smile

"I love you."

"I love you too princess."

I turned back to the window putting my earbuds back in my ears and went back into my sleep hoping we'd be there as soon as possible.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2019 ⏰

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