Chapter 9

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The Gryffindor table was in somewhat of a downcast mood at dinner that night, barely talking to each other. When they did say a few words it was always mumbled or in whispers. Neil was especially sour, as he felt that the scrimmage was lost because of him.

"I can't believe I passed out! It's all my fault!" Neil muttered under his breath, for what seemed like the hundredth time. Cillian rolled his eyes.

"It is not your fault, Neil," he said in response for the hundredth time.

Neil crossed his arms. "I shouldn't have!"

"Shouldn't have what? Passed out? You didn't have much of a choice did you, mate? I mean, Malfoy didn't really hold anything back."

"Sure, I guess," Neil said, a little less downcast. He took a plate from a pile and started shoveling food onto it.

Cillian rolled his eyes, smiling to himself. Maggie giggled.

"Guess your feeling better then?" She said, looking at the mound of food on his plate.

Mia smiled, taking a sip from her bowl of soup. A cough echoed behind her. She, along with everyone else turned, staring up into the sheepishly smiling face of a fifth-year boy. He had jet black hair and green eyes.

"Uh, hi there. Foster. Avery, Foster, that is. I'm the Ravenclaw Quidditch captain."

William perked up from a couple seats away.

"Foster?" He cried, standing up.

"Ello, Greggory," Avery said, cheerfully, "Nice to see you again."

"You as well! Now, you're not trying to steal any of my players while you're over here, are you?"

"Even if I were I couldn't. Only players from the same house as the team are allowed to compete on that team. Says so in Hogwarts, a—" He sighed, "I'm wasting my time, aren't I?"

William grinned. "Entirely."

Avery smiled. "Well, I really came over here—for her." Avery pointed at Mia, whose eyes got very wide.

"Me?" She asked. Avery smiled wider.

"Yeah, you did a bang-up job announcing the scrimmage. Thought it might give my players some confidence if you'd announce the Ravenclaw tryouts."

"I...I'd love too!" Mia said happily, standing up from her place at the table. "When is it?"

"Saturday, around nine o'clock. See you then?"

Mia nodded vigorously, watching Avery grin, then walk back to the Ravenclaw table.

"Blimey, Mia!" Maggie exclaimed, "You sure are good!"

Mia blushed. "Thanks!"

"Hey," Neil said, "what do you guys say about going to the Ravenclaw tryouts. I mean, we can watch Jezzabell try out and support Mia."

"Yeah, sure," Matthew said. "Sounds like fun."

"I'll come, too. Phoenix?" Cillian said, looking over to Phoenix, who had gone utterly silent the whole time William was there.

"Sure, whatever," she grumbled.

"Brilliant!" Maggie said, smiling at Mia, "This'll be fun."


"It'll be fun! Won't it? Won't it be fun, Ruby?" Destiny said, crashing into their dormitory and throwing her bag across the room, making it land right on top of her bed.

Ruby looked up from her potions book just before slamming into one of the bedposts. "I dunno—Quidditch isn't really my thing," she said.

Destiny crossed her arms. "Rubbish! You'll have fun because you'll have a good attitude about it! Won't you, Ruby?"

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