No One Likes Hospitals

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Like most hospitals, it was a little over an hour before a doctor was free to see Sunset and no one was at all surprised that he said she had a second grade concussion. He ordered a CT scan to be sure and they were surprised when the hospital could take her immediately but the doctor instructed Pinkie Pie, Maud and Fluttershy to remain in the waiting room.

Sunset was relieved that she had gotten her paperwork all sorted out six months prior. It was the reason Sunset lived in an abandoned building, all her extra money was being saved so she would have the papers she needed just in case something happened or she chose to stay.

The doctor had told her the scan took about thirty minutes but she had to stay perfectly still. This, Sunset already knew. They had those machines in Equestria, she needed one while she was a filly when a stack of books fell on her head while in Princess Celestia's library in the palace. It was probably one of the worst days she had before she started to get cruel.

Celestia had been so concerned for her well-being that she had put off her royal duties for the entire day just to sit in the hospital. Sunset had been out cold for a few hours that day, having knocked herself unconscious again while trying to prove she could walk fine, tripping over her own hooves and face planting against the wall.

Sunset let the doctor know she was a little claustrophobic so he gave her tips on how to handle it as he too was not fond of small space. He also had put music on through the speakers to help her relax. The half hour passed quickly and she was taken back into the waiting room to await the results.

Though she was still tired and had a headache, she was now walking a lot better and no longer felt like vomiting, so she considered that another win.

"The doctor told me to wait until the scans were ready." Sunset said as she plopped down in her seat between Pinkie and Fluttershy.

"How are you feeling?" Fluttershy asked.

Sunset took a deep breath, "My head hurts and I'm tired but I feel a lot better, thanks. Now I can actually think."

"That's great!" Pinkie said, "We should have a 'congratulations on feeling better' party!"

Sunset gave Pinkie an incredulous look, "Why?"

"Because I like to make people happy with parties!" She said, "I love to throw them!"

"If you really want to make people happy, don't have one where I'm invited." Sunset said, leaning back in her chair.

"But that wouldn't make you happy, silly." Pinkie said.

Sunset rolled her eyes and closed them. "Who cares if I'm happy? I haven't actually been happy in years, and I don't really care. I made your lives miserable and now you're sitting with me in the hospital after I gave myself a concussion."

"Well," Fluttershy spoke, "You wanted us to stay. That's what friends do."

"Friends?" Sunset paused and could feel a tear leaking from her eye, "You're not my friends. I barely know you! What I do know about you, I used to destroy you!" Sunset looked at Fluttershy. "I don't deserve to be friends with you!" She wasn't angry, all three girls could see that and all three of them could see the sadness in her eyes. Finally, she sighed, "You guys should go. It's getting late, I'm OK to take a bus home."

"Are you sure?" Pinkie asked, "At least one of us could stay with you."

"No, it's alright," Sunset waved her off, "Go, thank you for staying as long as you did. I really do appreciate it."

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