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As soon as they got home, Luna and Chrysalis decided it was perfect time to fully introduce Sunset to video games. The three of them took to the basement while Celestia opted to make dinner instead.

Sunset marveled at the massive entertainment system with various consoles sitting under the television and two thin book shelves next to speakers on either side of the TV. Behind the couch was two workbenches', one having a monitor and a half put together tower and the other was scattered with computer parts and casings. There were a few books on the shelf next to it but it mostly contained various labeled bins with everything from wires to motherboards sticking out of them. To the very back of the basement, was the laundry room and furnace.

"Woah." Sunset said.

Luna looked at her and grinned, "Yes, this is the entertainment room and workspace. When I'm not in my room, I come down here to play on the consoles or attempt to put together computers and laptops.

Sunset was thoroughly impressed, "Celestia did say you have been building computers since you were little."

Chrysalis sighed, "Don't encourage her."

Luna waved off her friend and smiled proudly, "My father taught me almost everything I know. He used to fix computers for a living. When I was thirteen, I was good enough at fixing them he started to pay me to help him."

Sunset smiled, "Wow, I only really know how to fix program issues."

Luna raised a brow, "You know how to fix computers."

Sunset frowned slightly, "Yeah, I learned how when I started hacking student's email accounts and phones."

Chrys and Luna exchanged concerned looks, not meaning to upset the girl by getting her to reminisce on her past. So, Luna quickly changed the subject back to video games, successfully putting a smile back on Sunset's face.

Luna started her off with a first-person shooter and, at first, they all cringed at how often Sunset died. Come the second round however, she was starting to get the hang of it. After a few hours, Sunset was actually putting up a fight.

All three women were so focused on playing and shouting insults at each other, they didn't see or hear Celestia come down stairs and stand directly behind the couch. Eventually, Chrysalis noticed and they both smiled manically.

Chrys focused on the game as if she never saw her and Celestia slowly moved towards Sunset and Luna who had yet to notice her.

She waited until there was ten seconds left on the countdown clock and, quickly grabbed their shoulders "Who's winning?" She said suddenly.

Sunset and Luna jumped and yelled. They both went to smack the offender but, instead, Celestia quickly dodged they smacked each other in the face with their controllers.

"Ow." They both groaned, holding their foreheads.

Chrysalis and Celestia didn't even attempt to conceal their laughter as the other two glared at Celestia. It didn't take long for Sunset and Luna to lose their composure as well and start to snicker.

Once everyone was calmed down, Celestia announced that dinner was ready. Celestia had prepared chicken and beef fajitas which was something Sunset had never heard of before but found it rather delicious.

The majority of the chicken was saved specifically for Sunset as, everyone was aware she didn't eat beef.

After dinner, Sunset helped Celestia clean up the kitchen and put everything away while Luna and Chrysalis started bringing something in from the garage.

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