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When Sunset got home, she went to find Celestia, hoping to talk some sense into her.

"Uh, Celestia?" Sunset said as she entered the study.

The older woman sighed, "What is it, Sunset?"

Sunset could tell by the tone of her voice that the new girls still had her under their spell but she was still determined to try. "I really don't think a battle of the bands is a good idea. I get the sneaking suspicion that they are going to do something bad."

"Sunset," Celestia said sternly, "We've been over this. Stop trying to throw those girls into a bad light because you want to shine it off of yourself."

Now that stung. Sunset could feel her anger bubbling up to the surface. Not so much at Celestia but at the three girls controlling her.

"That's not what, I'm doing." Sunset pleaded, "You know that I wouldn't do that."

"Be that as it may, you can see why I would think that." Celestia said.

"Can't you see what's happening?" Sunset raised her voice.

Celestia narrowed her eyes, "As you can see, I am far too busy for this. Go to your room and stop bothering me with these ridiculous theories of yours."

Sunset felt the tears in her eyes, "Wake up!" Sunset yelled, "You're being controlled!"

Celestia clenched her jaw, "Room. Now."

Sunset balled her fists and stormed out of the study and up to her room. Celestia was definitely under a spell and she knew now that there was no point in trying Luna. She fought to keep the tears from coming but it was no use. Despite knowing that once they figured out how to stop the new girls, the spell would break and she'd have her family back to normal. If not...

Sunset felt her phone buzz in her pocket so, she took it out to see who had texted her.

Rarity: How are things at home?

Sunset smiled, at least I'm not completely alone.

SS: Not Right.

A few seconds later, she received a reply.

Rarity: U want to sleep over at mine?

SS: don't know if she'll let me

Rarity: be there after work. 1 hour.

Sunset smiled at the fact Rarity wasn't actually asking.

SS: Ok

Sunset shoved some clothes and a phone charger in her bag, then sat on her bed with her guitar.

As she was playing, she felt an energy flow through her, one that felt oddly familiar. It took a few more seconds before she saw the orange glow around her hands and stopped playing.

Not again. Sunset panicked, I don't want it. I can't be trusted.

It had become a regular occurrence since they'd gotten home after visiting Sun and Summer at Christmas. At first, it was faint and never got above a dull roar in her head. However, the feeling of magic flowing through her only grew stronger and it wasn't long before she could only make it through less than half of a song before having to stop in fear of the magic inside her.

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