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Celestia sat in her office on Tuesday morning mulling over the previous day's events. Sunset's words concerned her 'I had it coming, I deserved it' No one deserved to think that, former bully or not. She was thankful that Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie had taken the girl to the hospital. She was sure no other student or even staff would have been kind enough to stay with her either.

I hope she can handle herself. Celestia thought, If at least one student can see that she's trying, perhaps they can help her through this. Those five girls seem to see it. From what my sister told me, she pushed Snips and Snails away, a good thing for them and a great thing Sunset had done but now she's alone.

"Sister?" a voice spoke, snapping Celestia from her thoughts, drawing her attention to the dark-haired vice principal at the door to her office.

"Luna, come in." Celestia greeted.

The younger woman sat at one of the chairs across from her desk, "Sunset Shimmer just dropped this off at the front desk."

Luna placed a folded parchment on the desk. Opening it, Celestia saw that it was a doctor's note, explaining the situation. She bit her lip.

"Doctor Horse suggests counseling, and not for her injury." Luna said once Celestia placed the letter on her desk, "However, it's only been a couple weeks. There is a chance this will right itself."

"Yes, I know, I'm just concerned." Celestia said, "If this doesn't right itself, it will get a lot worse. She doesn't even have anyone at home to look after her."

"Yes, I did look into that as you asked." Luna nodded, "The address actually exists but I have a feeling it is not where she lives."

"So, we don't know where she's staying?" Celestia contemplated, "Or if she even has a place to stay."

"Sister," Luna placed her hands over Celestia's, "She isn't exactly unkempt, she obviously has somewhere to stay."

The woman sighed, "You're right. I'm probably just over reacting."

"I have to say though," Luna leaned back in her chair, "I do like this 'behind the backs of the board' thing you have for Sunset. It's not like she doesn't have proper papers, just...odd circumstances."

Celestia smirked, "That's probably because of your innate desire to undermine any kind of authority."

"Ah. Yes," Luna smiled wickedly, "But now I am an authority and I can catch those that want to go against it. I just need to keep in practice to properly do my job."

"You are still such a child." Celestia laughed.

"Yes," the younger sister smirked, "But a child with authority and their own money to buy video games."

The sisters laughed and continued to chat until Luna reluctantly returned to her office, embracing her psychotic joy of seeing trouble makers squirm under her gaze.


Sunset's week had been straight from Tartarus. Now Friday, she sat at the very back corner of her chemistry class. Usually, she would choose a spot at the front, closer to the teacher so she wouldn't be distracted by the other students, this week however, Sunset wanted to be able to see everyone in the room to watch her back. For the entirety of the week, she donned a pair of sunglasses with cyan frames, darker than her natural eye color, with black tinted lenses.

She had woken up with a killer headache every day but now, it was at a more manageable level and her now recurring nightmare of killing the five girls terrified and haunted her to no end. It had always played out like it did at the night of the fall formal, the girls shielded by the magic inside them. That thought alone had been enough to get her to relax. Now though, she saw exactly what could have been and it scared her. Every morning she went around the school, counting off each girl in order to let herself breathe.

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