Fear and Confusion

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Rainbow slumped down at the lunch table and sighed. Ever since the school had announced the musical showcase last week; she'd worked to find members to be in the band she was putting together. The only problem was that most of the people in the school that she knew had musical talent were already in a band. However, she knew Rarity could play an instrument and Fluttershy had the most beautiful voice she'd ever heard. The others, she wasn't really sure, though she seemed to recall them talking about it before. She made a mental note to ask them later.

There was, however, one person she wasn't sure about; Sunset Shimmer. Rainbow wanted to ask her to be in the band too but was unsure of how to approach it. She wasn't even sure if Sunset could sing or even play an instrument. Though, she could always ask Flash Sentry, they did date after all.

However, none of that mattered with her current problem: her guitar. She loved to play, even annoyed her parents sometimes for how loud she cranked her amp. Just last night, she was shedding some sick cords when her baby's neck snapped.

"Howdy there, Rainbow." Applejack greeted, the other girls had yet to arrive. "Why so glum?"

"It's my guitar." Rainbow pouted, "The neck broke on it."

"Can't you just buy a new one?" Applejack asked.

Rainbow nodded, "Yeah. I'm just sad to see her go. We've been through a lot together. Sports camp, losing you guys, finding out I was... y'know. Then there was the day I realized I liked-" she stopped before she revealed too much, "Anyway, I'm going to the mall after school to get a new one."

"Did I hear you're going to the mall after school?" Rarity asked.

Rainbow nodded.

"I think I will join you. I need some inspiration for a new line I'm working on." Rarity said.

"Oh! Me too!" Pinkie said as she bounced over to the table, followed by Sunset and Fluttershy.

"Ok," Rainbow turned to Sunset, "You in?"

"The mall?" Sunset shook her head, "I can't. I will be at the mall but I have to work."

Rainbow frowned a bit but then turned to Fluttershy, "How 'bout you, Shy? You want to come to the mall with the rest of us after school?"

She smiled, "Of course."

Rainbow smiled brightly, resisting the urge to hug her, "Awesome! We can all go together!"

"Yes," Rarity added, "We can walk Sunset to work and then head to the music store." She paused to look at Sunset, "That is, if it's alright with you."

Sunset smiled, "Why wouldn't it be?"

"Yeah!" Pinkie cheered, "Sunny's on board!"

"Sunny?" Sunset questioned.

"It's you're new nickname, silly!" Pinkie said, "I always give my friends nick names. Do you like it?"

"Yeah." She smiled.

Rarity squealed with delight, "Sorry. I'm just happy you're finally coming out of your shell."

"Yeah," Applejack commented, "You've even been sittin' with us at lunch every day now."

"And you've been smiling a lot!" Pinkie said, "Like a real smile! Not that one you used when you were all evil or when you were pretending to be OK. No offence."

"It's fine." Sunset frowned, still feeling a pang of guilt. She was right though, she was a lot happier now.

When the lunch bell finally rang, everyone split off to their different classes.

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