Chapter 4

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Floras hands wraped around my neck as her soft lips press against my own. Pull away from her lips, she looks up at me and says "Im so sorry". "No its ok I get it, you just saw your ex and you miss that feeling", I say as her face turns red from embarrassment. She stands up "goodnight she says and walks to her room without another word. I stand up and walk to my room. I roll into bed. At least tommorow's Wednesday that means only half the week is left. I switch off my light and fall asleep. BEEP-BEEP-BEEP, my alarm blares, I try to make a point of hitting it after the third beep. When I pull the covers off me I fall on to the floor, "Ow" I say when I get dressed I walk into the hall to witness Flora giggling on the floor. "What is it" I say, "You fell on the floor" she says between laughs. I pull her up and she stumbles into my chest, "sorry" I say, "No worries" she says when we enter the kitchen. After breakfast we get ready and head to school. During lunch me and Hayley are walking down the hallway when Flora shows up with a look of terror on her face, "he found us" she says, her voice wavering.

I turn to Hayley "go back to the group" I tell her. I quickly grab Floras wrist and pull her down the hall, weaving around the people. When we get to the exit, Ryans spots us and bounds at the door, we turn around and start running down the hall again. "We have to go thru the back exit and then to the parking lot" I pant as we bound down the hallway with an abusive psycopath behind us. When we finally reach the exit we pull open the door and sprint along the side of the school. We are almost at the parking lot, I think to myself, I turn around and dont see Ryan. Terror washes over me when I realize that he ran ahead of us and before I could react, a strong arm grabs the front of my shirt throwing me against the wall. My field of vision is littered with black spots as I see Ryan throw Flora on the grass. And before he can hurt her, I shove my whole body against him throwing him down the hill on the side of our school, but his hand grabs my ankle pulling me down to. We tumble down the hill as he tries to punch me. But a moment later we stop. I look up and see we are on the road. Ryan is sprawled 5 feet away from me. I stand up woobley as Flora rushes down the hill to help me. When we get to the car I give her my keys and she drives us home.

When we reach the top of the three flights of stairs Flora lays me on my bed, After straining to keep awake my heavy eyelids slam shut as I fall unconscious. When I wake up I turn to my clock and see its 1:43 am. Holy shit I think to myself. When I turn around I see Flora passed out on a chair next to my bed. I stand up and lift her into my arms and lay her down on my bed. I am still woobley when I walk so I would not be able to carry her to her room. I lay down next to her and drift off into slumber. When I wake up I check my clock 9:45, did Flora turn off my alarm. She was not in my bed so where is she, I think. I stand up and walk to the kitchen to see Flora drinking coffee at the table. "your awake" she sounded relieved. "yeah I am why arent you at school" I ask. "I am to afraid to gom I know Ryan will be there" she says. I grab the phone. "What are you doing" she asks. "I am calling the police" I say while I dile 9-1-1. "9-1-1 whats your emergency" said the lady on the other end, "Hello I have called to tell you" I start just as the front door breaks open and in the doorway, Ryan stands with a pipe. "Get in the bathroom" I yell. He chases us down the hall but Flora locks the door just in time. "Whats happening there" says the lady. "A man is trying to kill my and my friend in my apartement" I wisper as Ryan hits the door with the pipe. "Whats your address" she says, I tell her. "Police will be there as soon as possible" she says, I hang up. I turn around to see the door being cracked open. Flora runs to the corner and I stand in front of her. CRACK, the door falls to the floor he walks in and says "You should not have gotten involved, he swings the pipe into my ribs, several defani g cracks ecscape my chest as I fall to the floor. "SHAWN" Flora screams, blood soaks through my shirt and pain shoots through my entire body. And just as I start to black out I hear "POLICE, LOWER YOUR WEAPON". Everything goes black.

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