❁. The Escort. {638}

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She had left everything behind. Her most precious possessions went back to her parents. Her apartment was empty and no one would ever think someone had lived there for the last couple of years.

Miranda walked through the deserted street. The only thing you could hear were Miranda her footsteps. The city lights were shining bright, what made it a lot easier for her to find the right number. "4 Privet Drive.." she whispered to herself. Finally she reached the house. Miranda looked at the little house. Curtains were closed and the lamp at the door didn't shine. Every muggle in the street would think that no one was in there. Miranda walked to the door and knocked three times – as agreed. Alastor Moody opened the door. He gave her a short nod and let her in. She heard people chat in whisper voice in the living room. Miranda walked inside and saw Harry, Hermione, Ron, Lupin, Tonks and the twins. They all we're surprised to see her.

"Miranda? What are you doing here?" Hermione asked and hugged her friend immediately.

"I asked her to come and join us", Mad eye answered Hermione her question.

Mad Eye and Miranda had always been good friends. It clicked from the first time they've met – after Barty Crouch Jr. was unmasked. She appreciated his honesty, even though it was hard to accept sometimes. Mad Eye knew that she had a lot of potential and encouraged her to become an Auror after graduating Hogwarts. When she told him she would leave, he wasn't surprised at all. It was pity that she wouldn't finish school, but he knew she would find her way.

"Okay, we've got to get the hell out of here. And soon!" Mad Eye said and started to explain to Harry what would happen. Miranda knew what the plan was, because Mad Eye had explained everything to her a few days ago. Her eyes wandered off to George. The last time she'd seen him was on the rooftop, the night before he would leave. After that they lost all the connection. She knew about the shop – thanks to Ginny and Ron but further she didn't know how's life was going. There were a lot of things she wanted to say to him, but many years ago she'd made her decision. She had to forget George, that would be the safest. Both for her as for him.

Everyone who had to change into Harry took a sip of the Polyjuice potion. Mad eye give the potion to Miranda. She didn't had to change, because Mad Eye had another job in mind for her. Miranda gave the bottle to Fred.

Soon there were several Harry's in the house. They changed clothes and in the meantime Mad Eye explained what would happen next. "Mundungus, stick tight to Miranda and me. I want to keep an eye on you. The real Harry, you'll ride with Hagrid",

Miranda looked outside to be sure the street was empty. She and Mad Eye would ride last to protect the others and to eventually give their life if they got attacked. "Miranda!" said Mad Eye hard. She looked at him. Miranda took her broom and went outside. She scanned the place and went back inside.

"Safe!" she said.

"Follow Miranda!" demanded Mad Eye the others.

The pairs stood together in the street. "Head for the Burrows! We'll rendezvous there. Don't turn back if something happen!" Miranda stood next to Mad Eye and heard him counting. On three she saw every one disappear in the night.

Mad Eye looked at Miranda.

"Ready?" he asked.

"Ready!" Miranda said confident.

"Remember, if we got attacked, fly! Don't turn back, don't panic and don't risk your life for me. One of us has to stay alive!"

She nodded her head. "Let's go!" 

SHE'S THE BUTTERFLY. || George Weasley x reader.Where stories live. Discover now