❁. The Decisions We Make. {1.6k}

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[This is a very long chapter, oops.]

Mrs. Weasley had given Miranda a couch to sleep on. The wound on her head had been taken care of and Mrs. Weasley had given Miranda the advice to sleep. She would feel better in the morning.

Her head would be better, but new cracks in her heart would stay. Mad Eye, a person she cared about was dead and the realization of George almost getting killed, made it even worse. Everything went silent in The Burrow.

* * *

"Where are you two going?" she asked Harry and Ron who stood outside The Burrow.

"Harry want's to find the Horcruxes on his own.." Ron explained.

"On your own? Are you mad, Harry?!" she said. "If you leave tonight, I'll come with you",

"No, I don't want anyone else to die. Not for me", he said.

"Harry, I told you. Mad Eye didn't die for you, George didn't catch that curse for you. It's a whole lot bigger than that!" Ron told.

Miranda walked towards Harry and hugged him.

"We've done so many things together Harry. What made you think you can do this on your own? If you go, I'll come with you. I also want revenge for all the things Voldemort has done to my family.."

"What about Hermione?" Ron asked.

"She comes with us of course!"

"When do we leave?" Harry asked.

"Not tonight. We'd only doing him a favour", Ron said.

* * *

Miranda woke up by the sound of the birds. It was still a bit dark outside, but if you looked close enough you could see the sun rise. She stood up and walked to the window in the kitchen. Miranda saw herself standing in the window and realized she wore a sweater of George. It was the sweater Molly had given him some years ago for Christmas. The sleeves were too long for her and she couldn't help herself to smell at it. It didn't smell like George.

Suddenly she heard a crack in the stairs. Someone was coming.

"Good morning", she heard a familiar voice say.

The window showed her the reflection of George. "Good morning" she said with a husky voice.

"How do you feel?" he asked.

"Good", she said detached.

She turned around to face him.

"And you?"

"I've felt better", he said with a grin.

Miranda looked at him emotionless. There was a silence between the two of them.

"I'm gonna make tea", she said.

George took a seat at the kitchen table and followed every step that Miranda made. He realized how much he had missed her and the fear he had felt last night was a feeling he never wanted to have again.

Miranda was busy making the tea when George stood up and wrapped his arms around her waist. She tried to catch her breath, startled about his reaction.

"Where have you been?" he whispered. "Why didn't you come to me after you've left Hogwarts?" he asked.

"Give me one reason why I should have come to you? You were the one who didn't want me to leave with you and Fred.."

SHE'S THE BUTTERFLY. || George Weasley x reader.Where stories live. Discover now