What Happens In Vegas, Stays In Vegas...

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POV: Hermione. Viva Las Vegas... 😍✨😘 play the song darlings!

We arrived in an apparation timely schedule to the 'Magician's Hat.' The hotel was safely hidden inside of an abandoned old popular hotel known as
'The Sands' in the 1960s. And was perfectly staged for the Wizarding World to reside here without the exposure of Muggle's discovering our secrets...

We instantly felt at home with countless witches and wizards having the time of their lives. The hotel was remarkably beautiful and swimming with glitz and glamour from the thousands of crystal chandeliers to the glittering pearly marbled floor. And iridescent touches of elegance around every corner. The continuous twinkling of florescent lights and signs were so bright you needed sunglasses. Especially after a long night of drinking... The sounds of money clinking and chiming from the conjoining casino buzzed all around us. House Elves were frantically organized in their proud fancy uniforms and shuffling through the crowds, while carrying luggage and serving drinks to the guests and patrons of this money hungry establishment.

It was a grown Wizardy dream...

We checked into our tiny modest hotel room with a full size bed and fully loaded mini bar, that Ronald simultaneously filled his gob as soon as he witnessed it.

After settling in, Ron and I got our game faces on and gathered our wits to do some wizarding gambling. Notwithstanding also, with a mixture of some Muggle games thrown in as well.

Ron was very victorious with his gambling duties. He strategically played all afternoon with an old wizard named Chauncey, in Wizards Chess. In fact, Ronald won five hundred Galleons worth, within two hours! It was quite remarkable...

I needed a break to stretch my legs from not having any luck at the Magical slot machines. So I explained to Ronald, that I was going for a walk around the shops in the massive hotel that could seriously be it's own country.

The Magician's Hat was towering with isles of endless shops of extravagant tastes that represented our magical world perfectly.

My retail therapy eyes were drawn to a posh dress shop called, 'Sarah Sanderson's Closet.' I had to take a look around...

I glided inside feeling extremely out of place and out of my price range. Regardless, I couldn't help being intrigued by the beautifully crafted clothing staring straight back at me. Especially in particular, to the most strikingly beautiful black dress I'd ever seen.

I placed my hand on the golden ornate hanger and carefully lifted the dress off the rack. I next placed my head through the opening of the dress and brought the middle of the sultry dress to lay across my shoulders. The tag was sticking and poking my ribcage as a warning button to back away from the garment of artistry merchandise. I curiously picked up the charmed glowing price tag reading...
Five Thousand Galleons, and promptly feeling my heart darting to my stomach.

Who could actually afford this?! I risked my endeavors keeping the hanger around my neck, wanting to see what I might look like in this out of my league gown. I then stumbled upon a three way mirror standing to my left. And let myself go into a magical unreality...

I dreamed about the possibilities of owning this dress and wearing it to, well, somewhere? I laughed closing my eyes and openly gazed back into the mirror.

In my moment of unrealistic wealthy fantasies, I abruptly realized to my horror that someone was watching me from behind?! Standing in the corner of the reflection of the right side of the middle mirror, that I was directly looking into!

An extremely familiar, infuriatingly handsome, and an intrusive arse, was just... staring at me?! I witnessed his deceitful echoing image of blindingly sheen frosted hair, overpriced perfectly tailored black suit, and wearing his snakily smirk glaring from behind me. I felt my throat dry up in horror. And felt my stomach literally feeling as if it had dropped to the golden glittered plexiglass floor beneath my feet.

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