Gift Wrapped - Part 1 of 2

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I knew I was moving too fast, but I was desperate to make Dorian feel welcome. After clearing the remaining rifts from the Hinterlands and retrieving the Grey Warden artifacts from the Storm Coast we returned to Haven.

On the ride back, I'd received word from Leliana's raven that the Redcliff mages were ready to close the Breach. Once we returned, we would be heading to the Temple the following day. To say I wasn't looking forward to it would have been an understatement.

As we'd neared Haven, I'd approached Dorian and asked if he'd like to join me for a private dinner in my cabin. Though he'd been surprised by my invitation, he'd covered it with his usual wit and said he'd be delighted.

Unfortunately, once inside the compound, my advisors had needed to meet with me in the War Room to go over some pressing matters. I told Dorian I might be later than expected and if he wanted to join me another time I would understand.

He'd brushed me off and said he'd wait for me. I had smiled and told him I'd meet him in my cabin as soon as I could. Two hours later I walked out of the Chantry and headed to the tavern. Flissa was holding a bottle of wine and some simple dinner for me.

I was smiling to myself, my heart light and my pulse giddy with anticipation of sharing a quiet moment with Dorian when I pushed the door to my cabin open. I carried a basket of food and the bottle of wine as I stepped into the dim light of my cabin. Closing the door behind me, I stepped into the room and froze.

Before me lay Dorian. He was naked, his back to the air, tied spread-eagle to the bed. My jaw dropped, the wine bottle slipping from my grasp and smashing to the floor. I blinked, my mind unable to make sense of what I was seeing.

Shaking myself, I dropped everything and crossed to the bed to untie him. But there was nothing to untie. The restraints seemed to have beem fused together and I could see no way to remove them. My gaze travelled up his backside, a distant part of me wondering why he hadn't said anything.

I gasped aloud at what I saw. Someone had put an apple in his mouth and then tied it in place with a red sash. He was also blind-folded. Faint tremors were running through him and tears brimmed in my eyes.

"By the Maker, Dorian." I breathed. "Who did this to you?"

He groaned and I snapped out of my shock. Shit. Blanket first. I grabbed an extra blanket from the trunk at the foot of my bed and draped it over his naked form. I then removed his blindfold and gag, taking the apple away while he stretched his jaw.

"I was wondering when you'd get here." He said dryly, trying for levity even though I could hear the strain in his voice. "I don't suppose you could untie me?"

"I want to Dorian, but there's nothing to untie. I've never seen anything like it but the restraints have no ends to them. They seem to be fused together."

"Fasta vaas." He muttered. "Then perhaps you would be so kind as to remove the collar then."

"Collar? What collar?"

"The magic suppression collar Herald." He said, his voice strained .

"But... there is no collar Dorian."

"Yes there is. I can feel it digging into my collarbone."

I leaned closer, pressing my weight into the mattress. "I'm sorry Dorian but I don't see anything. Are you sure it's there?"

"I was until you said that."

"Is it alright if I touch you? Maybe whoever did this made it invisible."

"You might be right. Very well, perhaps you will be able to pick the lock on it."

I put my hand to his neck, and sure enough I could feel a metal band at his neck. "You want me to pick an invisible lock? Don't mage collars need a key?"

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