The Spoon~ six

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The two of us walk out. I follow her since I have absolute no fucking idea where I'm going.
Her and I continue down the street. Soon we reach a small shopping center. Lights, people, cars, it was pretty over here.

"This is the spoon." She opens a door and I bow while walking in. Andi and I start laughing a little.
"Andi! And friend of Andi?" A girl with curly brown hair and a pink jacket on.

"Hey Buffy, meet (Y/n)," Andi points to me.
"Hewwo frendo." I greet her with a smile.
"Hi, I'm Cyrus." A male (man) with black hair and a vest on puts his hand out for me to shake.
"Hewwo to you to good sir." I shake his hand.

"So since you're here all we're waiting on is Jonah." Buffy says.
"Who's that?" I question and sit down next to Andi.

"A good friend,"
"Sure bout that? You seen distant."
"He was my ex, I guess, but we broke up."
"Whys that dudette?"
"Well feelings just slipped away,"

"You sure its the same for him?"
"Yeah, he was the one to bring it up."
"You sure it was what you wanted?"
"Yea. 100 percentile of honesty. I was thinking it would be better for us to be friends since it was too awkward for the two of us." Andi and I go back and forth about said Jonah.

"Mkay then." Cyrus pushes the tater tots to me. "Um?" I question.
"Eat one."
"Okay." I look at him questionably but with a smile. I grab one and place it in my mouth. "Woah..." I start, then chewed. "WOAH!!!!"
Everyone began to laugh. Soon the anxiety, anxiousness, and awkwardness float away (the three A's will most likely be used again later). It just, *swoosh sound* went away!

We became friends quickly. The three of us, well minus Andi, just clicked! Buffy and Cyrus are like those people that you meet and talk too, originally its awkward but then you say "HOLY FUCK I THINK YOU (guys) MIGHT BE THE ONE" but in a friendly way. (Just gots to love Bo-bo).

The three of us talked about Mr. Jonah Beck alittle longer, me being the person I am I have admitted to wanting to meet this Jonah Beck.

Humans, I'm really sorry about not updating much. My life is all screwed up right now. I'm just in a nuetral phase, where nothing really matters. So sorry to any/all of you.

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