Jonah Beck~ eight

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(Y/n) pov

"Hey guys! Sorry I'm late," a male voice says from behind me. I turn around to see a brown haired boy with green-ish blue-ish eyes. He had a breathe taking smile on, that made his eyes crinkle and made it seem like he's glowing. A black denim jacket was folded in his arms, a black sweatshirt that had the arms a tie-dye white, blue and red. At the top right of the sweatshirt was a small circle that has ocean waves drawn in it, it was no doubt a bueatfil jacket...I want it.

HE also had on a pair of baggy sweatpants that were old, it had bleach in random spots and a few rips at the knees. I want those too damn it! On his feet were timberlands, good for me I own them and dont need to want his.

His eyes wandered all over the group. It could be just me but his eyes constantly found their way towards me again. A light blush went over his cheeks and both tips of his ears were a light pink. God he looked so adorable.

"Well speak of the devil." I flashed a smile towards the boy who is belived to be a Mr. Jonah Beck. His cheeks went slightly darker then the shade it was at. "I should introduce myself," I stood up out of the booth, "Im (Y/n) (L/n),"


"Nah Beck. Yes I've heard a lot about you sir." I giggled. He leaned a little over to the side.

"Okay I guess," I laughed. We both sat down, he pulled a chair up and sat down on it and I sat in the booth with Andi. We all had smiles on our faces.

"So (Y/n)," Buffy starts. "Tell us about yourself." She crossed her arms over the table and leaned over. Some times I hate being Bi damnit.

"Gladly," I smiled and told everyone stories about my past, trying to leave out the my fathers a sexest, bi-phob, rasist, abusive sonava bitch ever. I told about my friends, the times i got in trouble at school, the things I've written and created. Jonah was leaning over the table watching me closely. Buffy did the same but she also, well everyone except Jonh contributed something to the table. Cyrus leaned back-ish and Andi was turned to me. I felt uncomfortable but okay at the same time, being put on the spot but surrounded with people that just click. A good mix.

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