School pt. 2~ 15

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Jonah Beck pov
I looked at the girl next to me with a slight smile. "Oh there they are," I pointed to the door as my friends walked in.

(Y/n) looked up at me, "okay," she responded. She took in a deep breath, and then again. "I'm fine." Is it obvious that I'm worried?
"You just looked weird." She looked forward.

"Hey dude," Jacob said and set his bag and binder on the table in front of him.
"Sup man." Alex sat down in his normal spot.

"Hey guys. This is (Y/n) (L/n), she's new here." I introduced her and she gave a small wave at my friends. Alex looked at me, trying to hide a smile but of course, failing.

"Hello ma'dam (L/n)," Jacob put his hand out to shake but he ended up kissing it instead. (Y/n)'s eyes widened and a smile made its way on to her face. Jealousy began to bubble in me. I can't blame him. (Y/n) is beautiful, more beautiful than Andi, she's adorable and is funny even though I've only known her for a day. There's some kind of glow coming from the (h/c) haired girl, just happiness and loveliness in general comes off of her.

Jacob let go of her hand and she pulled her arms over her chest. (Y/n) didn't seem uncomfortable, there was a smile still there. One that didn't seem like there was anything to hide. I liked that, along with just about everything.

"Hey," Alex gave his signature nods.

Eventually the teacher came in and we had to turn around. She began talking and we listened. But wasn't very long until it was over. The entire time I was thinking of (Y/n), she seemed so focused.

We walked out of the class, me, (Y/n), Alex and Jacob. The four of us seemed to be hitting it off.
"So what do you think?" I asked.
"What does that supposed to mean?" She looked at me with quirked eyebrows.
"What do you think of my friends?"
"Oh." She looked at the ground. A little of anxiety began to build up in my stomach. If she doesn't like my friends, I can't force her to hang out with them. That wouldn't be right.

"They're awesome. Don't get me wrong, I like them. But its going to take a while to get used to them." She hit her shoulder against mine. "Seriously. Anxiety is the worst, its just going to take a day, maybe too. Just don't add more people to this group. I'm used to Buffy, Andi and Cyrus, I think that that's better because we all seem a like. With Alex and Jacob, idk."

I nodded and we walked to her next class. She stopped at the door and said, we can talk at lunch right, I ended up nodding and agreeing. I ended up leaving and going to my other class.

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