Glass Hearts

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October 20th Kate's POV:
Alex: fuck you Kate
Kate: *laughs* okay whatever take you're shit and leave.

Flashback October 18th Atlanta GA
Kate: Ashley hurry the fuck up we're going to be late! Alex is probably already there by now.

Ashley: I coming calm down man I have to look bitchin for Valentino, if my hair isn't perfect than I'm going to kill you!

Kate: Ash you look amazing, come on I hate being late and I don't wanna hear Alex's comments about how I took forever.

Ashley: fine, fine *she says while putting the straightener down* I wanna get to the front roll anyways I've gotta see Val's face when he sees me.

Kate's pov:
Ashley has always had this big crush on Val since he signed her CD apparently he "winked" at her but who knows
While singing O.G Loko and Let live we finally get to the concert, I see Alex's car parked over by the entrance. Ash and I get out of the car to go meet him but I see a short blonde head girl hugging him as being his girlfriend I get a little jealous but I have to find out who she is before I jump to conclusions.

Kate: Ash who's that girl?
Ash: I really don't know he's been acting werid lately.
Kate: why haven't you told me this?!
Ash: because I wanted to find out more about her before I ruined something between you two.

Kate pov:
As we closer we both didn't recognize this girl, she starts to kiss Alex.

Kate: Alex what the fuck?!

Ashley: you are really a dumbass aren't you Alex!

Alex: *pushes the girl away and hides her behind him*
Guys! Hey, you both are early.. *he says nervously*

Ash: who's the girl behind you?  *she rolls her eyes*

Alex: well, this.. this is Maddie.. look I was going to tell you Kate but I know how big of a bitch you can be in situations like this.

Kate: Me being a bitch *laughs and rolls her eyes* you know Alex what the fuck ever, go fuck who ever you want but don't ever come around me ever again.
Kate's goes inside.

Ashley: how could you be so stupid?!

Alex: I'm sorry ash.

Ash: don't say sorry to me say it to Kate.

*Ashley runs to go find Kate*

Maddie: Hey Alex, my name isn't Maddie my name is Kelly

Alex: whatever *as we walks away he goes inside and finds Kate*

Alex: Kate please, I'm sorry! I'll do anything just please don't brake up with me right now not while we are seeing OM&M! You love them!!

Kate: I'm giving you one more chance for the sake of you're sister, she took a whole year out of her life to get us together.

Alex: *hugs Kate* Thank you! Now let's find ash and get to the front.

*Alex and Kate meets up with Ashley at the front, Of mice and men comes out and all the fans start screaming the building is full of excitement and the band starts*

Kate *crosses fingers* please play money, please play money.

Ash: *screams over the people in the crowd* I hope they play Warzone.


Kate: *screams* Do you think he heard me!!?!

Ash: maybe you're just lucky

*they both laugh and the concert went on for an hour! They all acted like a chicken with it's head cut off, eventually the show ended and Kate, Ashley and Alex headed home on the way Kate and ash stopped to get food*

Kate: *texts Alex* Ashley and I are getting food want anything?

Alex: *texts back* No.

*Kate and Ash sits and talks about the concert ash says some stuff about how Val seen her and "winked" at her again, Kate talks about how the songs are incredibly amazing and they finish up eating ash pays and they head home, they listened to SWS, FIR, PTV, PVRIS and more they finally get to the house and a strange car is there*

Kate: was you expecting someone ash?

Ash: no not that I know of *jokingly she says* it's probably Val coming to ask me to be his wife.

Kate: *rolls her eyes* sure, whatever you think ash *laughing*

*they enter the house and hear banging up stairs ash grabs a bat that she's had for years for protection Kate follows behind her slowly and scared they enter the hallway and start hearing voices scrambling Kate turns Ash around*

Kate: *she whispers* if that's Alex with that Maddie chic I want that bat

Ash: no you're not getting this bat.

*Ash turns back around and slowly opens the door where the sounds coming from Kate closes her eyes because she knows what's happening, Ash sees Alex on the bed with Kelly and doing things she never wanted to see Ash yells at Alex. Kelly screams and covers herself Alex gets up covering himself and starts getting mad*

Alex: what the fuck Ashley *not seeing Kate behind her*

Ash: the real fucking question is what are you doing? An hour ago you was kissing her and had the nerve to ask for another chance.

Alex: *sees Kate peek out from behind Ash with tears running down her face* Kate, this isn't what it looks like!

Kate: looks like you're dick was inside her *rubbing tears from her face*

Alex: you did say go fuck whoever

Kate: you really are that fucking stupid *Kate goes to her room and locks it, she looks at the photos of Alex and her on the walls and she starts taking them down in the background you can hear Ash kicking him and Kelly out the door she then knocks on the door*

Ash: you can't stay in there forever, please come out and talk to me.

Kate: I think I just wanna go to bed it's been a long night *putting the pictures into a brown box*

Ash: okay fine but in the morning we are talking about this

Kate: Goodnight Ash

Ash: goodnight Kate

*the next day Kate explained to ash she was really upset because she really loved Alex so Ash called for pizza and ice cream and all day and night they watched Netflix and laughed and cried together until they both fell asleep on the couch*

*ding, ding, ding. Kate opens her eyes Ding, ding the doorbell was being rung she yells give me a minute she wraps herself in a blanket and walks to the door and opens it to see Alex he seems to have been crying*

Kate: what the actual fuck Alex it's 8am what do you possibly want.

Alex: please Kate you have to listen to me, I love you and I'm sorry for being stupid I don't know what came over me please don't leave!

Kate: *lets him in* Alex no I told you, you had one more chance and you fucking blew it *she starts walking upstairs and Alex follows*

Alex: Kate come on, you know I'm stupid please I can fix this I can stop seeing that girl I can block her number please Kate

Kate: *grabs his PlayStation 4 throws is out the window* you're stupid Alex, what makes me think you're not going to do it again!?"

Alex:*gets pissed off* Fuck you Kate

Kate: *laughs* Okay whatever take you're shit and leave.

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