Break Free

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October 27th
*After a week of Alex's and Kate's breakup Ashley only thought of one thing that could make Kate happy again and that was a concert OM&M concert although Ashley just wants to see Val again Ashley planned a 3 day get away for the both of them she had a fancy hotel room booked with VIP tickets to the concert, she planned on getting Kate's mind out of the bullshit that happened*

Ashley: *puts down the phone from booking the room* So Kate I know this is bad timing but I got 2 VIP tickets to another Of Mice & Men concert and a room booked for 3 days, we leave on the 29th so don't make any plans.

Kate: *looks up from putting the rest of Alex's stuff in a box* Ash, why? You didn't have to do this I'll be okay I promise.

Ashley: yes I know you'll be okay but I wanna see Val again and I'm definitely not leaving you here alone and this gives us a chance to go to the mall and get new clothes! *Ash takes the box away from Kate and starts grabbing a suit case*

Ashley: look we are going to the concert and I'm not taking a no for an answer.

Kate: *sighs* fine, fine but you better not be werid around Val, and I'm driving this time.

Ash: *jumps up and down with excitement* yes! Okay I'm going to pack when I get back you better be done packing!.

Kate: yeah, yeah.
*Kate starts grabbing clothes and shoes from her closet she gets a text after she puts her second pair of pants in the case

Text from Alex: you dumb bitch you destroyed my PS

Kate texts: That was my plan cunt.

TFA: you will repay for this.

Kate: have one of you're whores buy you a new one.
*she sends the last text and blocks his number, she puts the rest of the clothes and shoes and packs them up she grabs the box of Alex's stuff and starts taking it out back, she grabs a lighter from the kitchen and Ash comes down stairs and sees Kate lighting Alex's stuff on fire*

Ash: Hey can I join you're hell party *she walks outside with a box of clothes*

Kate: yeah sure but what's in box? *as she grabs the box of clothes*

Ash: some old clothes I don't need anymore since we are going shopping *sits down in the lawn chair*

Kate: oh, wow why don't you donate the clothes instead of burning them? *she puts the box down and turns to Ashley*

Ash: I don't think old people will wear my clothes Kate

Kate: no but teens will, after the fire is out we are going to Goodwill.

Ash: okay can we get pizza afterwards?

Kate: *laughs* yeah sure.

*After the fire goes out Kate grabs the car keys and the box of unwanted clothes, Ash grabs her makeup bag*

Kate: do you really need to bring that?

Ash: Are you serious Kate?! I do!

Kate: why? You look better with it off.

Ash: Kate if you put makeup on you would understand.

*Kate rolls her eyes and goes to the car, ash puts on some music and they head off to Goodwill*
Ash: Hey isn't that Alex's whores car? *she asks while getting out of the car.

Kate: I think so, maybe she works here *grabbing the box of clothes*

*Ashley walking inside looking for Kelly, Kate walks over to the counter avoiding any contact with her. Ashley finds Kelly with Alex in the clothes isle*

Ash: look what the cat dragged in.

Alex: Ashley what are you doing here?

Ash: Kate and I are dropping off some of my old clothes.

Alex: where's Kate? *he demands*

Ashley: Talking to the worker over there *she points at the front desk* don't try anything idiot

Alex: she broke my PS

Ash: And you're dumbass broke her heart, I think it's only fair.

Alex: *grabs Kelly and starts walking out slowly he sees Kate giving the box over the guy behind the counter, Alex flicks off Kate while Kate ignores him*

Kelly: Alex forget about her and the PS you got me didn't you?

Alex: that's not the point Kelly *he opens the car door for her and they both leave*

*Ashley meets back up with Kate and Kate signs some papers and leaves the store*

Kate: where do you wanna get pizza? *she puts on her jackets and gets into the car*

Ashley: Pizza Hut *grabbing her makeup bag and pulls out mascara*

Kate: you know it's not safe to do that in the car?

Ash: Kate I'll be okay I'm a pro.

Kate: whatever *she doesn't leave until ash gets done*

Ash: I'm done, I'm done *she laughs*

Kate: yay now we can go eat!
*they make their way to the pizza place and gets 2 large supreme pizzas, they stop by target and gets some drinks Ash runs off to find more makeup Kate finds herself in the CD isle she finds a SWS album that she don't have she goes to grab in a hand blocks her way, she looks up and it's Aaron Pauley*

Kate: *starts to freak out a little* You're Aaron Pauley!!

Aaron: I am, and you are? *he smiles*

Kate: I'm Kate, why are you here?! You're concert is in 2 days!

Aaron: well I could ask you the same 😉 I'm here to get drinks and snacks for the Tour bus! *he points out some monsters and Oreos* also I need a new CD to add to my SWS collection

Kate: *laughs* I needed that one too!

Aaron: well here take it, I can find one somewhere else *he starts to give the CD to Kate*

Kate: no I can't, you have you're on the road a lot so I bet it gets boring *putting the CD back in Aaron's hand*

Aaron: okay thank you, but here's my number I'll text you later so I won't be bored *he winks and Kate blushes and pulls her phone out they exchange number and Kate goes in for a hug Aaron bear hugs her and says buy. Kate runs to find Ashley and she finds in the makeup isle*

Kate: Ashley! *she screams*

Ash: *runs over to Kate putting her hand on Kate's mouth* wth Kate, what's wrong?!

Kate: ash, I just talked to Aaron from OM&M *she says with enjoyment*

Ash: what *she starts freaking out* what did he say?! Did you see Val?! Did you get his number?! Anything?! *starts jumping up and down*

Kate: *laughs* I was going to get the SWS album and so was he, I told him to take it and we gave each other our numbers and we hugged, and no ash I didn't see Val.. *she laughs again*

Ash: *grabs Kate and shakes her* do you know what this means you can get me access to Val!

Kate: ash just wait *laughing* later tonight Aaron is supposed to text me I'll tell him we are coming to the concert and we will go from their

Ash: okay you're right, can we go now I'm hungry

*they both laugh, and leaves to pay for their items they get home and eat their pizza and watch SOA on Netflix*

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