This One's for You!

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🖤This is going to short, I'm really tired and took me all day to come up with something 😂😂 Again thank you for reading!

October 29th
*after grabbing the pizza and drinks Aaron,

Ash and the rest head to the hotel*

Aaron: Ash, I know she said on the phone that this is what she wanted but what if we get their and she changes her mind?

Ash: *laughs* Kate, change her mind?

Phil: I mean Ash he does have a point, Kate
could kick us all out

Ash: guys calm down, Kate's never changes her mind and for her to kick OM&M out would be the end of the world.

*they arrive at the hotel Aaron gets out of the bus first, he holds the pizzas and slushies the rest of the guys quickly hurry before being seen, they all rush into the elevator*
Alan: guys do you think we can eat a pice before we get in there?

Val: *slaps Alan's arm* No, Alan we can't!

Ash: *steps out of the elevator and grabs her door card out of her back pocket, we enters quietly she sees Kate on a couch watching something on the TV* Hey Kate! We brought pizza, Slushies and Aaron! *she waves to the boys to come in*

Kate: *stands up whipping tears away before turning around to face them* Oh hey guys

Aaron: Kat.. *he walks to her* I'm really sorry about earlier, Amanda is my girlfriend well now ex recently she cheated on me and I told her to never come back around and well she don't listen well *he hands Kate the drink*

Kate: No, no I'm sorry for running away like that, I personally don't have any reason to be acting like this. *takes the drink*

Ash: *laughs* other than the fact you're in love with Aaron

Kate & Aaron: *blush*

Kate: Well you're in love with Val

Ash: *blushes*

Alan: so can we pause the puppy love and get some pizza?

Phil: I'm hungry guys

Kate: Yes! Let's eat!

*Aaron gets a call*

Aaron: guys I've gotta go take this *walks out of the room*

Phil: So Kate, do you know anything interesting on Netflix we can watch?

Kate: well we could binge watch some Supernatural

Val: I love that show!

Ash: *whispers to Kate* Kate he loves our favorite show!

Kate: *laughs* I heard ash.

*Aaron comes back in the room*

Aaron: So guys I just got off with our manger
and he said that we are going to be off for a week due too the weather *Walks over and grabbing food*

Alan: that's great, I mean sad because I love playing but now I can catch up on some TV shows I've been missing

Val: *sits down* So how long do y'all have this room?

Ash: *comes and sits with him* 3 days.

Kate: wait, Aaron what about the bus driver? Where is he going to stay?

Aaron: shit, I'll be right back I gotta go get him a room!

Kate: *sits beside ash* So y'all are going to be stuck in this room all week?

Alan: well we all are but we don't have too, you have you're car and we can rent one and we can go and do stuff around the city!

Phil: that's not a bad idea!

Kate: what do you mean by "we all are"

Alan: well you guys already have 3 days booked we can buy 4 more!

Val: it'll be fun Kate!

*Aaron walks in*

Aaron: So I got the driver a room beside us

Kate: Alan made a plan that we all stay here for a week!

Aaron: So we will be stuck here?

Kate: No, I have my car and you guys can rent a car, we can go do stuff in the city!

Aaron: grabs his plate* Okay, cool but are you and ash cool being in a room with a bunch of men?

Ash: *laughs* yes, we are sure! Now come sit down and watch supernatural!

Aaron: *sits on the ground in front of Kate*

*the rest of the night they all talked and watched a lot of supernatural, Val ended up with Ashley in a bed and Aaron did the same with Kate, Phil and Alan made separate beds on the floor, the following morning Kate received a call from the police. Alex was arrested for theft at a local store where Ash and Kate lived, the other news was that the person who broke into the apartment was identified as a female but still no more information*

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2018 ⏰

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