Seven Thousand Miles for What

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DISCLAIMER: I don't hate Amanda, I think she's really pretty and her hair looks amazing! This is just a story please don't get mad 😂

October 29th
*Kate and Ashley arrive in NC they quickly get their stuff into the room Ash booked and head to the concert Kate texts Aaron "Hey A we are almost there" a few minutes later Kate gets a text "Hey Kat great! You and ash meet me behind back you'll see the bus!"
Kate reply's with "okay see you there"*

Ash: *turns down the music* do you think they will put Alex in jail if he really did it?

Kate: I'm sure they will, he did leave threatening things *she frowns*

Ash: I really don't know what's gotten into him lately he was never like this *she grabs her necklace that Alex gave to her on her 16th birthday*

Kate: *looks at Ash* I know, I'm really sorry we didn't work out

Ash: it's okay Kate

*they arrive at the concert, they park in the back as Aaron told Kate to do Ash gets out and Kate gets a call from the police "Hello" she answers "Hi, Kate this is ALT police department we found some finger prints on the night table the prints don't match Alex Davis finger prints, we brung him in and they didn't match" Kate shockingly asks "that's not possible, do you know who the finger prints belong to?" "No mam we are still investigating as soon as we find out we will give you a call, are you sure no one is after you other than Alex? Kate says sadly "no I don't, Thank you anyways" "as like always if you know anything give us a call"
Kate hangs up and gets out of the car, ash had done meet up with Aaron and they walked over worried*

Aaron: Kat, who was that? *he says sadly*

Kate: that was the police department, they got finger prints from the night table in
Ashley's room. The prints didn't match Alex's

Ash: what? Kate who was it then?

Kate: they don't know yet, they are still investigating

Aaron: it's okay guys, they will figure out who it was but as of right now we gotta get inside it's freezing out here and the show is staring soon

Ash: he's right and I wanna talk to Val before the show

*they all walk in and Alan, Phil and Val walks over*

Aaron: *turns to Kate and Ash* so the other day you guys really didn't meet the rest of the band *he laughs* *he turns to the boys* guys this is Kate and Ash*

Val: I know Ash *he winks*

Ash: *blushes*

Aaron: yeah okay *he rolls his eyes*

Phil: Nice to meet you guys! Are y'all staying for the show?

Alan: you guys should stay after the show as well!!

Kate: yes we are doing both of that if it's cool with you guys!
*all the guys says yes at the same time*

Phil and Alan: good we will see you after the show *they walk away*

Val: Hey Ash, wanna see my drum sticks?

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