Act IV - Entrelacé

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Hello! Is everyone enjoying the story? I hope that you like it!
I really can't thank you enough for all of the love you're giving this book on here and on instagram, I'm so grateful to have this love and support, it means so much to me.

Anyway, I hope that you'll enjoy this chapter as well. I you do, then please comment and vote, thank you again!!
My love, Lucy X


The School that Louis attended was called St John's Academy, and was asides from being the least religious place on Earth, it was also very small, and very dilapidated. The wallpaper peeled in every corner, the one lift that the school could afford had been broken ever since Louis could remember, and when it rained, every room on the top floor would be invaded by puddles that seeped through the mouldering ceiling. The school was not a place where you'd like to go, but once you were there, had learnt every face of every student like you had no choice of doing, then you'd not want to leave. As small and as broken as this St John's may have been, it was still home, and Louis did not want this final year to end.

"Ah, Dipshit! Wait up!" the loud voice of Shawn bellowed from the corner of the hall. Louis and Niall stopped walking and turned to it. Louis had got so used to his nickname that when Shawn walked up to him and finally called him 'Louis', he felt as if the boy were talking to someone else. "Louis," He said again, tugging the straps of his bag, "The ballet, did you go?"

Louis frowned at him, "What's it to you?" he asked,

Shawn looked behind himself to his group of friends that waved back or stuck up their middle fingers, "Well, I know that you're having a rough time with money.. I have something for you."

He opened his bag and gave Louis a box. Louis took it from him. He didn't want to open it at first, hesitant to what may have been sitting inside, but he'd never had a present before. At least, not before Maria had given him his ballet shoes. He opened the box.

Inside it was a piece of silk, folded neatly. It was a pure white with rhinestones and glitter on it. Louis glanced at Shawn who'd started to fidget, and then he lay the box down to pull whatever was inside, out.

A white leotard tumbled down, glistening and sparkling in the lights of the hall, and Louis' eyes lit up with it. Down the sleeves were silver ruffles, around the waist and down the sides of the hips as well. The neckline was rounded off at the collarbones, but lead up to the neck in white glittered mesh. It was the most beautiful thing that Louis could possibly ever hold, and strangely, when he held it, he felt as if it had become precious to him.

"I found it only fair that you should have every advantage on your side for our deal. I'm not being nice or anything, don't get the wrong idea. I still don't like you, Dipshit, but.. Good luck with your ballet."

And then he punched the locker right beside Louis' head, making him flinch back in fear, before turning his back and stomping away.

Niall put a hand out to touch the leotard, but Louis-without even realising it-pulled the leotard back and hugged it against his chest. Niall looked at him, his hand still out, and Louis finally accepted it and extended the leotard towards him.

"So soft.." Niall said quietly, "So beautiful.."

"Why would he do something like this?" Louis asked, "Is he making fun of me?"

He looked over to the corner of the hall. Shawn stood with his friends, talking, all of them looking at Louis and Niall. Niall watched Shawn for a while, but he never noticed a thing. His eyes were on Louis, and Louis alone. "No..." Niall said, slowly, "He's not making fun of you. Don't ever think like that."

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