Act IX - Piqué

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Please don't ask me to write the next chapter because it puts a lot of pressure and stress on me. I work all week and still take the time to draw art and write these books for you so it really pressures me when you ask to "update again". I try my best to update regularly for you and those comments can't make me write any faster.
Sorry if I sound as if I'm complaining because I appreciate every single one of you and I know that those comments are meant well, but please don't put pressure on me. I'm trying my absolute best. Xx

Hello! I hope that you'll enjoy this chapter and the art

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Hello! I hope that you'll enjoy this chapter and the art. I've uploaded a lot of new art on my instagram this week so you can see a lot of it there. (instagram: lhnameless)

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My love, Lucy. X


A tiny orange light danced in a black abyss. Like a butterfly carried by a passing breeze, it floated there in the darkness. It approached, trembling, floating-warm. Louis opened his eyes properly, and saw the orange flame of a single candle, sitting on a bedside table.

"Are you awake?" A voice said. It seemed to echo in Louis' mind, sounding distant as if he were still sleeping. Louis followed it, and by the bedside table was Harry. His hair was down, his elbows pressed into the mattress as he knelt by Louis' side. A warm towel was in his hand. Louis closed his eyes again. "You found me.. I thought.. that I was going to be outside all night.."

Harry's hand came to rest on Louis' forehead, on a plaster that he must have stuck there. Louis had plasters and bandages all over himself, he could feel them, but they weren't his own. "You'd have to kill me before I could ever leave you outside all night. You're always welcome here."

Louis didn't open his eyes, but he let himself melt into the fluffy pillows and the hand that stroked his face. He'd not felt this warm in a long time, nor had he ever felt so peaceful. "Do you really mean it? That I'm always welcome here?"

"I do." Harry replied, "If ever you need a place of comfort, just bang on the door, and I'll come for you."

"That makes me happy." Louis said, in a voice so serene that Harry wondered if he were going to sleep again. Louis wondered that, too, but he didn't want to sleep despite the fact that it must have been late at night. He wanted Harry more than anything in the world. And so, with his eyes still closed out of fatigue, he put his arms out and searched the abyss for his place of comfort, and he found it, and pulled it into a hug.

Harry seemed surprised at first, and tensed up when Louis wrapped his arms around his torso, but then he relaxed and climbed onto the bed, pressing his knee onto the mattress and leaning over so Louis could lie down. Louis lay on his back, moved his arms from Harry's torso to his neck, and Harry just leant over him. He sat on the side of the bed, hands on each side of Louis' body, pressed into the mattress, and the boy said, "You smell of soap."

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