Act VI - Plié

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"Oh my, Louis, you look as if you haven't eaten in a week!" Niall's granny said, oven tray in hands, as she watched Louis sitting at the table, devouring the meal that she'd given to him. He looked up, mouth full of baked potato, and said, "It's been longer than that." and then he returned to his food. Granny turned around to take the hot and plump blueberry muffins off of the tray and onto a plate to cool down. "I heard that you were doing ballet, now." she said over her shoulder. Niall-sat beside Louis at the kitchen table-nodded his head enthusiastically.

"He's well amazing, he is! He wears pointe shoes and they tried to make him change and give him normal ones but he didn't want to so now he's the prima ballerina! He's well cool!"

Louis grinned and hid his face in his hands. Granny turned around to smile at him, "Well," she said, "It seems as if you have a fan, already. I would also love to see you dance, Louis, if you're willing to show old Granny, that is."

Louis looked up at her. His nose and cheeks were pink, but he had the sweetest smile on his face. Granny's heart always ached for him. His mother didn't deserve a son, let alone one with a heart like his. He loved the world too much for his own good. He loved everything and everyone that came into his life, and perhaps that was wrong of him, because the world didn't usually love him in return. In any case, whenever Louis smiled, every trace of his mother's features seemed to fade away, and Granny was wise enough to guess that that was the reason why he never stopped grinning.

"I'm really.. not that good." Louis said, "But I can try! I can show you what Harry does! He's better than me and more flexible and taller and has more muscle.. but I can try!"

Granny gave Louis a muffin and he took it from her and stuffed in into his mouth. She chuckled, "If it is you, Louis, I'm sure that you can do anything that you want to do. You'll be the best ballerina in the world. Do you know why I think that?"

Louis shook his head, and Granny smiled, "I know that you will be the best ballerina because you keep your heart in the right place. As difficult as life may be for you, you're unstoppable, and I think that that is rather amazing."


The living room was so quiet that Louis could hear the flies buzz around in it. Only a small strip of light seeped in between the curtains to lay on the wall with the peeling wallpaper and alcohol stained into it. There was a large photo of Mother and Louis there, from when Louis was a child. It was summer, and he was five at the time. They were outside, in a carpark, and mother had taken the photo herself with an old phone. Her face was contorted into some kind of grin but her eyes were wide, hollow, and staring. She wore a dress, one that she'd worn for two weeks in a row, and her collarbones showed beneath it. Her hand was on Louis' shoulder, chipped acrylic nails digging into the smooth flesh and making red marks there. Louis was smiling, by force, through pain, with the fear of being hurt if he didn't cooperate correctly, yet he wasn't old enough to even know what 'correctly' was.

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