Act XVI - Contretemps

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Hi everyone! I hope that you'll like this chapter; please comment and vote if you do, thank you, and have fun reading! xx

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The sound of snipping scissors had always been one of Louis' favourite sounds. As a child, he'd spent many ours of pleasure cutting things up. He used to have quite an unhealthy habit of doing so; cutting up the loose pieces of wallpaper that hung on the walls, snipping the sleeves from Mother's dresses, cutting his own clothes as well.. He'd cut up everything he would find that could have been cut, and it was a habit that-although he knew what was right and wrong-he had never really lost.

And so that was how he'd rapidly become distracted from the art lesson taking place, and how he'd all-so-quickly become engrossed in cutting paper dolls in the shapes of a ballerinas in pink paper. The lesson was almost over, with only ten minutes left, and he hadn't heard a word of it nor payed a single ounce of attention to what was going on around him. He now had a large pile of paper dolls, and if he were to line them all side by side, he'd reach from one end of the room to the other.

Louis sat at a table of four, with Niall opposite him, Clara by Niall's side, and Shawn sat to Louis' right. He hadn't spoken to any of them, and they hadn't really spoken to him either because they knew that when Louis was busy doing something he enjoyed such as making paper dolls, then he was content, and it was best to leave him that way.

Louis, in fact, hadn't spoken to Shawn in days, but he didn't plan to, and he'd pushed his chair all the way to the furthest corner of the desk from Shawn to make it clear that they weren't friends. Louis saw Shawn as a bug and he hated bugs. He pulled the legs off flies and couldn't help but imagine himself twisting Shawn's legs off.

"Louis?" Niall asked, startling the boy so much that the scissors slipped and cut off the ballerina's arm. "Do you want to come to my house? I'll have you home by five."

Louis sighed, looking at his paper doll and shaking his head. "I can't, I have to go to Ballet because with all that's been happening we're behind on rehearsals. Also, Harry is coming home today!"

His voice got higher at the end of the sentence and a wide smile spread over his face. Sat by his side, Shawn lost his joy.

After his vanishing smile came the dread and guilt that Louis would never like him again, and that he'd taken advantage of the boy's physical weakness to bully him, and he regretted doing that. He had never regretted anything more, but at the end of the day, he wanted to see Louis smile like he did now.

And Harry was the only one who could give Louis such happiness.

So Shawn decided then, while Louis spoke about Harry and how excited he was to see him again, that he would give up his love, and he'd let his heart run away from him like it had been trying to do this whole time.

And his heart had never treated him fairly-too full of life to be enclosed in his chest. So he watched it erupt beside him, the love within it bursting into flower. His heart-his broken and beaten and joyful little hear-was escaping to find the place where home had always been for it.

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