Chapter 5

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Nell pov.

"So you want us to let them tell us a story and then while they are telling it they are breaking laws or you want to help them escape?" Kensi asks me like she can't believe what I'm saying. And Deeks looks like he can't believe it either.

"No, I won't help them escape. I just know that they can escape in less then 2 seconds if someone tells them where to go. Which I could tell them in less then 5 seconds. And then I go with them. And you guys will probably never see me again. So which one do you guys choose?" I say seriously. They look like they think about it. Do they even have to think about it!!!

"We can't let them break any laws. But we also don't want to lose you, Nell." Deeks says.

"Can't they tell us anything without breaking laws." Kensi asks.

"No, they can't. The brittish gouverment are looking for them because they did things that they shouldn't have done. Like running to LA. They don't have anybody left. I will make sure that they won't get caught." I say.

"Doesn't anybody miss them in brittain. Maybe we could just bring them back to their families." Deeks says.

"All their real friends and family are dead because of the war. The last living relative of Hermione is Kensi. And the last living relatives of Harry has treated him as a slave for 15 years. They don't have anybody left in brittain and are on the run from the gouverment. They thought they could have a fresh start here. But that is obviously not going to happen." I say. And with that I run to the interrogation room.

"Go to hermosa beach. Fast. Do you guys know what I mean?" I say/ask Hermione and Harry. They nod. "Do it. Three. Two. One. Now." And they were gone. Callen and Sam looked at me and then at the place where they were a second ago. "Bye guys." And with that I also apparate away. Leaving my co-workers shocked.

Callen pov.

Harry and Hermione weren't talking. The only thing they said was: 'we will only talk if Nell is with us. And if she isn't going to be here we can escape in less then 2 seconds.' I didn't understand it.

"Can you tell us how you think you will escape?" Sam asks. They stay quiet. "Other question then. Why is the brittish gouverment looking for you two?" Still quiet. Sam looks at me.

"Can you at least say something." Amd again they stay quiet but this time they look at each other. It looks like they are reading eachothers minds. (They are using occlumency. They are communicating about if Nell comes in and says a place they will have to apparate.) When they are done they look straight forward again. And then Nell comes in.

"Go to hermosa beach. Fast. Do you guys know what I mean?" She says to Hermione and Harry. They nod. "Do it. Three. Two. One. Now." And they were gone. Sam and I look at Nell and then at the place where they were a second ago. "Bye guys." And with that Nell is also gone. And Sam and I are shocked.

Deeks and Kensi come running in. "Where are they?" Deeks asks.

"I don't know they were here a minute ago. And wouldn't say a thing without Nell. Then Nell comes running in and tells them to go to hermosa beach. And then a second later they are gone, and Nell says bye and then she is gone herself." Sam explained.

"Then we should go to hermosa beach as fast as possible." Kensi says. We run towards the cars and I get in the car with Kensi. And Sam and Deeks get in the other car. In the car Kensi repeated everything Nell has said.

"So they are illegal?" I ask Kensi.

"I really don't know anymore. I just know that Nell said that if Harry and Hermione had to go she would go with them and they wouldn't come back." She says. I don't know what to say anymore.

"Maybe if we go to your house we can catch them while packing their bags. And then Deeks and Sam can go to Nells house."

"Good plan I'll call deeks." She says and she picks up her phone to call him. Hopefully we are on time and they can explain it.

Hermione pov.

After We apparate away we see that we are at a beach. It's beautiful here. Then 10 seconds later Nell also apparate to us. And she has a plan.

"We should go to my house first. Grab my things and then go to Kensi her house, to grab your things. They may be at one of the houses or both so we will have to apparate away, if we see them. Just go here again. Alright?"

"Yeah, but what if they want an explaination?" Harry asks.

"We could give them one but only if they promise that they won't take us into custody. And we will not show them any more magic. Deal?" I say/ask. They both nod. Then Nell takes her bag and grab a pen and a piece of paper.

"This is my adress. Apparate to it. And we start the plan." She says.

"Alright." "Got it." Harry and I answer. We apparate away.

Word count: 911

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