Chapter 6

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Thank you guy soo much for the 160 views. I never expected people to read this. But I'm kind of busy with school so I'm probably going to update less. I have a couple of important tests coming up so yeah. But again thank you so so so much for the 160 view.
Let's get this chapter started.

Nell pov.

As soon as we are at my house we go to my room. "Can we help with something. Maybe grab some things?" Hermione asks.

"Yeah one of you can go grab food in the kitchen, enough to last 2 or 3 days. And the other one can help me pack my clothes and stuff." I anwers.

"I will go grab the food and kitchen stuff. Hermione will help you pack." Harry says and he starts walking towards the kitchen. I grab my suitcase and my wand.

"Hermione do you know that charm to make sure everything fits in the suitcase?" I ask Hermione. Charms wasn't my best subject. She nods and does the charm. "Can you grab everything out of my bathroom? Then I will take my clothes." I ask she nods once again. And walks towards the bathroom. After a couple of minutes Hermione comes back out with a small back.

"I also put the charm on this. Everything is in it."

"Alright I'm almost finished. Thanks for helping." I say.

"No problem."

Just then Harry came running in the bedroom. "I have all the kitchen stuff and food. But i just saw Deeks and agent Hanna get out of the car. We have to hurry." We nod and I hurry to get the rest of my clothes. We hear the front door open and we grab my bags and apparate away. To Kensi her house.

Deeks pov.

When I get into the car Kensi calls me saying that Sam and I need to go to Nell her house. Because if she said they couldn't come back she would need some stuff.

At Nell her house.....

When we get there I see someone walk through the kitchen running upstairs. Then Sam has the door open so we go in. The only thing we hear is a loud poping sound upstairs. So we run up the stairs but see nothing. They're gone.

Hermione pov.

We apparate to Kensi her house and walk in. While we walk inside Nell tells us that Kensi and Deeks are agents.We walk up the stairs and to the guestrooms. We are lucky that Harry and I didn't unpack. So we just use a spell to shrink our bags. But we don't notice that Kensi and Callen are at the house. Harry and I have just picked up Harry his bag and we already have mine when Kensi and Callen walk into the room, guns drawn. They point the guns at me and Harry. Harry and I draw our wands and point them to Callen and Kensi. They look at us as if we are crazy. Nell, who was first standing behind me, came standing next to me.

"Kensi, please drop the gun. We didn't do anything. And Hermione, Harry please put your wands away. It's not like they think you could actually do harm with it. " Nell says. But Harry and I don't put our wands down.

"We won't put our guns down if they don't come with us. And why are they pointing sticks at us?" Callen asks/says. I roll my eyes.

"The sticks are called wands. We could kill you with 2 words and a wave of our wands. But we won't if you put your guns down." I say, shocking Kensi. Nell now stands inbetween us worried we might do something.

"What about you all put your weapons down at the same time." Nell proposes. We all nod. "Three, two, one... down" we all put our weapons down.

"Can you now explain why they were pointing sticks at us. He only thing they could do with it is poke us." Callen says. Harry, Nell and I laugh at that.

"We could do so much more with them." Harry says still laughing.

"Harry, we can't tell them about any of it. Remember." I say.

"Yeah we know 'moine." Nell then answers me. "But we would have to tell them."

"But they will think we are crazy. They will send us to a mad house or something like that. Or back to england. We can't let that happen." Harry says.

"Harry I trust them. They wouldn't send us away if we can prove it."

"What are you talking about?" Kensi asks.

"Guys, I don't know how to tell you so I'm just going to say it. I'm a witch, Hermoine is too and Harry is a wizard." Nell says.

"You guys think we are crazy, don't you? Well we are not. We know very well that there is no such thing as magic."

"But it is real just watch." I say. "Harry you do a patronus." And he let's his patronus walk through the room. Kensi and Callen don't say anything. They look suprised. "Do you believe us now?" I ask as harry his patronus fades away.

"I.. I don't know what to say." Kensi says.

Word count: 878

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2018 ⏰

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