|05| messages between wyatt + finn

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stan the jew: hey

trashmouth tozier: sup my man

stan the jew: you gotta be honest w me ur life  depends on this

trashmouth tozier: shoot my man

stan the jew: do you like Angie?

trashmouth tozier: I do,, but we barely know each other

trashmouth tozier: and I don't wanna make anything weird between us you know?

trashmouth tozier: did she actually mean what she said during that interview?

stan the jew: she told me she was joking

stan the jew: but I remember she used to be obsessed w you

trashmouth tozier: that doesn't make it any better

stan the jew: maybe she still likes u Idk

trashmouth tozier: Idk who I like. I rlly like her but Idk maybe I should just focus on filming...

stan the jew: u do u boo boo

however once they had all gotten to Canada, Finn had just one distraction that didn't make him focus

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