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♥️ by madelame, milliebobbybrown, talia

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♥️ by madelame, milliebobbybrown, talia.ja, finnwolfhardofficial, camimendes, caseycott, wyattoleff, jeremyraytaylor, chosenjacobs, jaedenwesley, and 13,897 others

angiebby: gonna miss u l.a, don't worry, I'll be back soon💋

camimendes: can't wait to meet u girlie💋

angiebby: @camimendes ♥️♥️

wyattoleff: look at her, she's growing up @sophialilis

sophialilis: @wyattoleff ugh ikr, imma miss her😭

chosenjacobs: can't wait to see you as jellybean!!

angiebby: @wyattoleff @sophialilis don't worry guys, I'm still young. I'm not going anywhere

angiebby: @chosenjacobs thank u love💗

milliebobbybrown: Have fun filming! 💓

angiebby: @milliebobbybrown will do mills💋

finnwolfhardofficial: where's filming taking place?

angiebby: @finnwolfhardoffical Canada, and I start filming tomorrow June 23rd 😊


jackdgrazer: hey! I'm the one with the inhaler,, back off @wyattoleff

angiebby: @wyattoleff what's the big deal my nibba?

wyattoleff: @angiebby we're going to be filming in Canada!!

angiebby: @wyattoleff CANADA HERE I COME!!

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